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The Inevitability of Dialogue among the Three Monotheistic Religions and the Dangers that threaten it

Interfaith ConferenceADIC – La Sorbonne, Paris13 June 1994 Preliminary remarks by Dr. Ali El Samman President of ADIC Dialogue. I never heard a word that has been so brought into disrepute. Even if it is true that according to general principles holding a dialogue helps to avoid negative forms of confrontation, the definition of the word dialogue and a decisive commitment to it still need to be worked on and thought out. Why do this at a round table for the three monotheistic religions? To answer this I will begin with the story of ADIC. With the efforts of the...

The Need for Specialized Dialogue

International Symposium on Dialogue among Civilizations for CoexistenceIslamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) – Damascus18 – 20 May 2002 I have reservations about the idea of dialogue among civilizations as I believe that every time we hold a seminar, a meeting or a conference on this subject it is more or less in reaction to what Samuel Huntington wrote about the clash of civilizations and Islam, in particular, that those in the West looking for a new enemy after the collapse of communism will wage a holy war against Islam. Since Huntington’s book was published 1996 we have been...

Image of Islam in the West

19th Congress of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs – Cairo27 March 2007 Introduction All monotheistic religions come from one source, God, who created the universe, sent us prophets and messengers and revealed scriptures. In all of them He ordered us to worship no one but Him whatever our faith. Islam teaches respect for the other and belief in all of God’s holy books and prophets without discrimination: “O ye who believe! Believe in God and His Messenger, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who...

Religious Values and World Peace

5th Doha Conference for Interfaith Dialogue – Doha, Qatar7 – 9 May 2007 I express my profound gratitude to His Highness the prince, the government of Qatar and the officers of this Doha Conference, represented by Dr Aisha El Mannai, president of the preparatory committee. I have read the Ten Commandments and understood the divine commandment: “Do not kill.” It is an idea contained in the Compact of Medina, which organized the relationship between Muslims with non-Muslims in such a way as to protect the latter. In addition, I am well aware of the message of Christ and the ultimate...

The Role of Media and Civil Society in Achieving Democratic Practices

Impact of Culture on New GenerationsBibliotheca Alexandrina – Alexandria, Egypt2 March 2008 Allow me first to say that democracy is not a starting point in the evolution of society, rather it is something that develops in the later stages. When responsible individuals and groups play their role in supporting and encouraging civil society, when the leaders of civil society and of the state agree that there is no conflict between them, only then will Egyptians be able to build a strong nation immune to external pressures. Only then will Egyptians be able to build a real democracy. By virtue of...

Towards a new language of dialogue to strengthen security in Islamic society

20th Conference of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs – Cairo16 March 2008 Considering the elements that would ensure security in Islamic societies, there is not enough time for me to cover them all here today. So, I will focus on just one of these elements – the relationship between Muslims and the other. In the Qur’an, God asks Muslims to be kind to the other. He asks them to avoid hatred and clashes with the followers of other religions. So, when discussing how best to deal with the other, we must use the language of well-intentioned dialogue, the style...

The role of media in cultivating understanding among peoples

People to People International – Cairo2 April 2008 I prefer to speak about the cultivating of intercultural understanding through dialogue before discussing the role of the media. Whenever I talk about promoting a culture of mutual understanding I must mention Mary Eisenhower, granddaughter of a former American president, who is considered one of the pioneers in this field. Her association, “People To People”, is supports and builds bridges with members of other cultures. Mary Eisenhower comes to Egypt from time to time with large numbers of young people from all races and religions to live with Egyptian youth for a...

Media and Violence

Religious Values: Perspectives on Peace and Respect for LifeSixth Doha Conference of Interfaith Dialogue – Doha, Qatar16 -18 July 2008 Violence that is used to force an individual or a group to comply with the perpetrators’ demands must be rejected by individuals, communities and the state. This sort of violence is used to break the will of the victim and transform him into an object to be used in trade for a material or political gain. The root of this is usually intellectual and ideological extremism. We can summarize the thinking of an extremist as the objectification of another and...

Shaping and Developing the Dialogue

Paper presented to World Council of Dialogue Conference – Madrid18 July 2008 I would like to express my appreciation and respect to the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for his historic initiative that represents a turning point in the course of interfaith dialogue. I would also like to express appreciation to the Muslim World League and its secretary, General Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdulmohsen Al Turky, for shouldering the responsibility of organizing this conference. The Muslim World League is well known for its long history in the field of...

May the spirit of dialogue prevail 

Mediterranean Peace Forum – Lecce, Italy27-29 November 2008 Ladies and gentlemen, you have chosen the Mediterranean as a target, a framework and a forum for dialogue. Such ambition for this region is justified, perhaps more so than anywhere else in the world, as the Mediterranean is perfectly placed for intercultural and interreligious exchanges. I recognize among the founding members of your Forum, as well as members of the board, the strength of unwavering hope; this bodes well for success in your attempts to let the spirit of dialogue prevail and for peace to emerge triumphant. I am aware that the...

Dialogue of Religions – Dialogue of Cultures

Rotary Club le Caire – Champollion – Cairo  15 December 2008 First of all, I want to give you some details about my relationship with la francophonie. When I first went to France, to study in Grenoble, I didn’t know a word of French. So when I went to a coffee shop to order my favorite dessert, a layer-cake called mille-feuilles, I couldn’t get the letter “U” right. What the waiter heard coming out of my mouth was not an order of mille-feuilles, or a thousand leaves, but an order of mille-filles, or a thousand girls. The waiter, who had a...

Love, the Language of Dialogue between Men and Women

Symposium on contemporary Egyptian WomenBook Fair – Porte de Versailles, France15 March 2009 Man and woman are the roots of life that ensure the continuity of existence. The first man and the first woman on earth knew neither letters nor words, they only had one language for communicating – that of love. All my life I have worked for dialogue and peace – dialogue among religions, cultures and nations – it is almost abstract. But the dialogue between man and woman, and peace between man and woman, this takes another dimension that is symbolized by happiness. To conclude, I would...

The Role of the Media in Family Empowerment

General Federation of NGOs – Cairo14 February 2010 Speech by Dr. Aly El SammanMedia Advisor of the General Federation of NGOs Ladies and gentlemen, family empowerment, domestic peace, tolerance and family affection are not just lofty values. They are essential to the cohesion and welfare of every family. These values do not just belong to the privileged or the well educated but are shared by everyone. And yet we don’t see the media paying enough attention to them, and I will soon tell you why. As an old hand in the media field, I’d like to ask, what is it...

How the media can stimulate innovation

Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics – Cairo29 June 2010 First, allow me to speak about the relation between the media and stimulating innovation. I would like begin with an introduction to the nature of professional media work. Media by its very nature is the means by which one conveys to readers, viewers and listeners a picture of what is happening in our daily lives. In the third world, media plays an important and sometimes dangerous role in forming the conscience and thinking of citizens, either positively or negatively. Just imagine the number of hours spent by each one...

Use & Abuse of Religion for Conflict-Dialogue-Alliance

Yale Divinity School Conference – New Haven, Connecticut21-23 February 2010 Throughout history religion has been used in both valuable and destructive ways, as a powerful force for good and as a tool of abuse by its followers. When we examine the sacred text of any religion there is no doubt that it is a real charter of morals, ethics and education. So the problem is not in the religion but in the behavior of individuals who commit dangerous errors in terms of manipulating holy texts, generalizing condemnation of others and educating children. Manipulating a holy text is to isolate it...

Building Bridges of Dialogue through Culture

Supreme Council of Antiquities – Cairo13 December 2010 After many years of practicing interfaith dialogue and attending international conferences from New York to Vienna to Madrid, I feel that the dialogue between cultures is growing in importance. My conviction that interfaith dialogue should not be separated from intercultural dialogue is such that in 2010 I asked the General Assembly of the association I chair (ADIC) to adapt our activities and add intercultural dialogue to the name of the association. We are now the “International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education”. This association was established in France in...

Arab Media’s Role in Developing Public Awareness of the Law

Together to Develop Awareness of the Law WorkshopArab League – Cairo16 March 2011 When we speak about developing awareness of the law, the role of the Arab media is bound to come first in our minds. Real cultural evolution requires the kind of education that comes from disseminating information that increases awareness of the law. I am thankful that The Egyptian Center for Developing Awareness of the Law is directed by Dr. Khalid El Kadi. He is blessed to be the spiritual son of the legal master, the late Dr. Fathi Naguib, former president of the High Constitutional Court and...

Revolution, Stability and Development in Egypt 

Club de Monaco – Doha, Qatar23-26 February 2012 The Revolution To understand the causes of the Egyptian Revolution of January 25, 2011 we must review a bit of history: In 2005, the constitution was modified to stipulate that the president would be elected, not by referendum, while imposing such stringent conditions on eligibility that it was nearly impossible for an independent candidate to run against the incumbent. The Egyptian intelligentsia was understandably disappointed that Egypt was becoming increasingly autocratic in its governance; especially considering that in the 1920’s Egypt was one of the first countries in the region to ratify...

Linking Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue

East-West: The Art of DialogueShafik Gabr Foundation and Humanity in Action – Cairo2-16 June 2013 It has become clear in recent years that points of contention have arisen between Islam and the West. This is mainly because some Western media outlets exceeded the limits of decency by infringing on the sanctity of Islamic symbols. In order to address this, we must build bridges of trust between Islamic countries and the West so as to avoid a “dialogue of the deaf”. Tangible examples for the necessity of cultural dialogue. First: The Crisis of 2005 and 2006, which exploded after Danish newspaper...

Sunni-Shia Dialogue

Rhodes Forum 2013World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations – Rhodes, Greece2-6 October 2013 Ladies and gentlemen, allow me first to thank Mr. Vladimir Yakunin, the Founding President of the World Public Forum (WPF); Mr. Walter Schwimmer, Head WPF Int. Coordinating Committee; Mr. Fred Dallmayr, Co-Chairman WPF; and Mr. Vladimir Kulikov, Acting Director WPF for inviting me to participate in the conference. I am speaking today particularly in my capacity as a president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC), which was launched in Paris in 1989. Created by Dr. Adel Amer, former director of the League of Arab...

Egypt: Into a New era with a New Governance

Egypt: What are its ambitions after the Revolution?Colloquium at l’Ecole Militaire – Paris24 June 2015 First of all, thank you to the organizers of this meeting to have chosen the subject: “Egypt, what are its ambitions after the Revolution?” Indeed, the people who chose to change the system and leadership on January 25th, 2011 had the ambition that such a change should be done smoothly. Surprisingly, the president at that time, Hosni Mubarak, agreed with Vice-president Omar Soliman’s proposal to leave, making sure that police would not open fire on the crowd and the Republican Guard would not use its...

After the Death of Dr. Adel Amer

19/4/1990, Sabah El Kheir Dr. Adel Amer, the illustrious Egyptian, disappeared amid general indifference and without any notice in the media. But if Dr. Adel Amer had been a barely known football player, or an obscure artist, the news of his death would have been widely publicized in all the newspapers. Four medals awarded to Dr. Adel Amer As soon as I was informed of the death in Paris of this international pioneer of information, I took the first plane to be at the side of a man I knew and I loved since we started a quarter century journey...

After Assad, what then? 

8-9-2012 The Syrian revolution and Al Assad’s potential fall is part of the same scenario that was repeated in many Arab countries, which the West romanticizes and idealizes by calling the “Arab Spring”. Months passed and regimes fell, but in most Arab countries, Libya in particular, the results have been regional and sectarian divisions, conflicts, and economic crises. The “Arab Spring” began with a fact. The presidents of the Arab countries concerned – Gaddafi, Ben Ali, Saleh of Yemen, al-Assad, Mubarak – were dictators who had serious flaws that brought about their downfalls. The corruption and election rigging that took...

Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman 

by Abd Elhady Abbas for Al Akhbar11/10/2013 “I support the presidential candidacy of Gen. Sisi because it is a popular demand. To those who reject the army I say, please read our history carefully!” Dr. Ali El-Samman Q. To what extent is security and stability necessary for economic growth in this coming period? A. This is a serious question because the economy at this critical stage is quite dependent on security. Therefore, I cannot emphasize enough that security and economic recovery are inseparable. When you take the tourism industry into account, there is no denying that security is crucial. Tourism, upon...

What will the referendum’s victory mean?

14/1/2014 The resounding “yes” with which Egypt will endorse the new constitution is going to reverberate across those Arab countries which stood by our side and supported our June 30 Revolution. In defiance of external pressures countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman have offered us economic, political and media support. These countries acted with courage and solidarity, proving that they are strategic partners worthy of our trust. Our resolute “yes” is going also to be heard in Qatar and Turkey, but in tones of disappointment. Members of the Turkish opposition will point to the foreign...

Large and medium-sized countries… and their policies

8/3/2014 Fifty years ago, France and Germany took a big step. In 1963, French President Charles de Gaulle and Germany’s first post-WWII Chancellor Konrad Adenauer signed a historic agreement. Known alternatively as the Élysée Treaty or the Treaty of Friendship, this agreement set the pace for a crucial partnership that remains solid to this day. Since then the two countries fostered the ideals of European economic integration and political unity. Without French-German cooperation, today’s EU wouldn’t be possible. It is remarkable that the person who pushed the hardest for reconciliation with Germany was General de Gaulle – commander of the...

Abou Hassira: Respecting the judicial while listening to the voice of reason 

22/1/2015, Al Bawaba When I read of the ruling handed down by the state council in the Abu Hasira case I restrained myself from giving an assessment. The reason is that what I studied in Egyptian and French law schools was to respect judicial rulings regardless of their outcome, in other words not to express opposition. This however does not stop one from thinking about it and listening to the voice of reason. In that context, I remember a conversation I had in Morocco while there  with President Sadat; I had met David Ammar, president of the Jewish community in...

In words and numbers, a victory for al-Sisi, and tears of joy for Mahlab

28/3/2015, Al Masry Al Yom For all the swashbuckling and scheming of terrorists, it was only natural for our citizens to be vigilant as they watched this historic economic conference unfold in Sharm el Sheikh. From the bottom of their hearts, Egyptians wish for the will of this country to prevail, with our army and police forces providing every security precaution for this great achievement to go unimpeded. The attendance from the whole world was astounding; our Arab brethren came, driven by their chivalry and wisdom to support and stand by Egypt with great gallantry. In the lead were Saudi...

We need a Parliament that respects the rules of the game 

3/3/2016, Al Bawaba There was a disgraceful clash between the two Egyptian Parliament members, Kamal Ahmed, and Tawfik Okasha. We saw the former threatening the latter and shaking his shoe at him, an image that is extremely inappropriate and one that conveys a very damaging image of our Parliament. This, we must recall, is the Parliament we had long waited for, both internally and externally, in order to complete the democratic process. We need to look deeply into the real reason for this clash. This incident came as a reaction to the dinner invitation extended by Tawfik Okasha to the Israeli...

The Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution between fantasy and reality

2/6/2016, Al Bawaba From time to time, the idea of an Israeli-Palestinian rapprochement leading to a two-state solution is revived. Right now, the world is regaining interest in the idea, for a very simple reason. This reason is that Egypt has agreed to support this option, thus giving it credibility. Some people even go further, assuming that there could be a possible meeting between President el-Sisi and the Israeli Prime Minister, which was denied by officials. So how can one separate fantasy from reality, according to what is being said regarding that subject? A while ago, a French initiative came about...

Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman 

by Abd Elhady Abbas for Al Akhbar11/10/2013 “I support the presidential candidacy of Gen. Sisi because it is a popular demand. To those who reject the army I say, please read our history carefully!” Dr. Ali El-Samman Q. To what extent is security and stability necessary for economic growth in this coming period? A. This is a serious question because the economy at this critical stage is quite dependent on security. Therefore, I cannot emphasize enough that security and economic recovery are inseparable. When you take the tourism industry into account, there is no denying that security is crucial. Tourism, upon...

Interview with Dr Ali El-Samman 

by Rania Badawi for Al Masry Al Youm26/1/2014 Aly El-Samman: Qatar funds the bombings in Egypt with U.S. support Dr. Ali El=Samman, President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC), said that Qatar is the main financier and supporter of terrorism in Egypt, adding that the recent wave of bombings is but a sign of Al-Qaeda’s defeat in Sinai at the hands of the Egyptian armed forces. During his year in office, President Mohamed Morsi turned the country into a haven for terrorists, according to El-Samman. El-Samman: It has become clear that there is...

Aly El Samman: The Pleasure of Dialogue 

Profile by Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner for La Croix30/4/2014  At 85 years old, this pioneer of inter-religious dialogue in Egypt, architect of the permanent committee for dialogue between Al-Azhar and the Vatican, maintains his convictions intact. In the oriental living room of his Parisian apartment, located in the 16th arrondissement at the heart of the aptly named Villa Said, Aly El Samman puffs on his pipe. This former journalist and communicator, who served his country “under Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak”1 recalls his past, peppering his stories with names of the many great religious and political figures with whom he continues to associate. From...

The bickering among the political parties is unhealthy and unfortunate!

Interview with Dr Aly El SammanBy Mona El Haddad for Al Akhbar31/8/2015 The following was taken from an interview with Dr. Ali El Samman, President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue (ADIC) Q. Why hasn’t the spirit of can-do spread to other social endeavors, after opening the New Suez Canal? A. Definitely the New Suez Canal and what was achieved has, with no doubt, made every Egyptian quite happy. Still I believe that there are some powers that are not pleased at all. Frankly speaking, when I saw Omanaa Al Shorta (noncommissioned police officers or NCOs) demonstrating...

After the Death of Dr. Adel Amer

19/4/1990, Sabah El Kheir Dr. Adel Amer, the illustrious Egyptian, disappeared amid general indifference and without any notice in the media. But if Dr. Adel Amer had been a barely known football player, or an obscure artist, the news of his death would have been widely publicized in all the newspapers. Four medals awarded to Dr. Adel Amer As soon as I was informed of the death in Paris of this international pioneer of information, I took the first plane to be at the side of a man I knew and I loved since we started a quarter century journey...

Coptic Pope and Grand Imam of Al Azhar Issue Joint Statement against Sectarian Strife in Egypt 

6-10-2010 In response to recent Muslim-Christian tensions in Egypt, the Orthodox Coptic general bishop and secretary of Pope Shenouda III, Anba Ermia; and the president of ADIC, Dr. Aly El-Samman, coordinated with Orthodox Coptic Pope Shenouda III and Grand Imam Al-Azhar Ahmed Al Tayeb, to articulate the thoughts of these men, both of whom are strong and active believers in the values shared by their two religions. Their resulting joint statement is a call for all parties to counteract religious intolerance with peaceful coexistence and unconditionally shared citizenship. Sectarian tension has occasionally led to violent confrontations between Egypt’s Muslim majority...

Bringing Secularism and religious Beliefs in contemporary societies

14/12/2012 The International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC) organized under the chairmanship of Dr. Aly El Samman and the Swedish Institute in Alexandria, a roundtable on the theme “Bringing Secularism and religious beliefs in contemporary societies”, with the participation of thirty students of the universities of Cairo, Alexandria and Tanta. The speakers were Birgitta Holst Alani, director of the Swedish Institute in Alexandria; Dr Aly El Samman, president of ADIC; writer Al Afkar Kharadly, journalists Amr Shobaki, Mufid Fawzi Mahmoud Bakri and Adel Darwish; Maria Guerreiro from UNESCO; Nader Wanis, director of the cultural center...

Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman 

by Abd Elhady Abbas for Al Akhbar11/10/2013 “I support the presidential candidacy of Gen. Sisi because it is a popular demand. To those who reject the army I say, please read our history carefully!” Dr. Ali El-Samman Q. To what extent is security and stability necessary for economic growth in this coming period? A. This is a serious question because the economy at this critical stage is quite dependent on security. Therefore, I cannot emphasize enough that security and economic recovery are inseparable. When you take the tourism industry into account, there is no denying that security is crucial. Tourism, upon...

A tribute to the writers of the constitution: “You led the way with remarkable honesty”

11/12/2013 When performing a public task of national dimensions, there is no way to satisfy all parties or handle it perfectly. Nevertheless, Mr. Amr Moussa, chairman of Egypt’s 50-member panel tasked with amending the Islamist-drafted constitution, stayed impartial throughout his moderation of the sessions, and was able to walk the thin line between diplomacy and political responsibility. Dr. Mohammed Salmawy, spokesman for the panel, also acted with great sensitivity and chose his words with care when he spoke to the media. The clerics who took part in the discussions also brought wisdom and a spirit of tolerance to proceedings. I...

Defending our Christians in Libya

11/3/2014 In yet another unspeakable atrocity, Libyan extremists killed seven Egyptian Christians after kidnapping them from their homes in a Libyan village on February 23. This horrific crime impels me to reiterate that we need to do more to protect the church and the Christians in Egypt. We need to make absolutely sure that no further assaults are carried out against them by extremist groups. Nearly one hundred churches have come under attack in Egypt. Many Christians have been assaulted or had their property vandalized. The Egyptian Church and the Christians have prudently refrained from retaliation. Instead, their silence was...

New York celebrates “Three Windows on Heaven” 

19/4/2014, El Masry El Youm Sister Sanaa Nadim, chaplain of the Islamic Society of the Interfaith Center at Stony Brook University, New York, invited Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education, to speak about the book: “Three Windows on Heaven – Acceptance of Others, Dialogue and Peace in the Sacred Texts of the Three Abrahamic Religions”, which he co-edited with prominent scholars of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The book has been translated into four languages: Arabic, English, French and Hebrew. Among the participants in the event were Rabbi Joseph Topek, chairman, Interfaith...

Aly El Samman: The Pleasure of Dialogue 

Profile by Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner for La Croix30/4/2014  At 85 years old, this pioneer of inter-religious dialogue in Egypt, architect of the permanent committee for dialogue between Al-Azhar and the Vatican, maintains his convictions intact. In the oriental living room of his Parisian apartment, located in the 16th arrondissement at the heart of the aptly named Villa Said, Aly El Samman puffs on his pipe. This former journalist and communicator, who served his country “under Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak”1 recalls his past, peppering his stories with names of the many great religious and political figures with whom he continues to associate. From...

Abou Hassira: Respecting the judicial while listening to the voice of reason 

22/1/2015, Al Bawaba When I read of the ruling handed down by the state council in the Abu Hasira case I restrained myself from giving an assessment. The reason is that what I studied in Egyptian and French law schools was to respect judicial rulings regardless of their outcome, in other words not to express opposition. This however does not stop one from thinking about it and listening to the voice of reason. In that context, I remember a conversation I had in Morocco while there  with President Sadat; I had met David Ammar, president of the Jewish community in...

Roman Catholic Pope, Grand Imam and Grand Mufti confront Charlie Hebdo incident 

22/1/2015, Al Bawaba Pope Francis’ words reflected wisdom, mercy and forgiveness when he said that we must reconcile freedom of expression with freedom of belief. He explained the limits and conditions governing the use of these freedoms; the right to express oneself comes with the condition that one not humiliate another. Pope Francis added that we should neither provoke nor mock the belief of others. The current Roman Catholic Pope reminded me of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II who passed away on 2 April 2005. I was honored to meet him when I joined a delegation from Al Azhar...

The Brotherhood must renounce violence and apologize publically before reconciliation

Interview with Dr. Aly El SammanBy Heba Amin for Al Watan19/8/2015 At 86 years of age, Dr. Aly El Samman has witnessed the royal era, three revolutions, seven presidents and the Brotherhood in its infancy. He joined them at the time of its founder Hassan Al Banna, but when he learned that Judge Al Khazendar had been assassinated by the Brotherhood, he immediately resigned. In his interview with Al Watan, Dr. Aly El Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue (ADIC), said that he was very close to Hassan al-Hudaybi the Brotherhood murshid (general guide) during...

Intercultural and interfaith dialogue and peace education

19/5/2016, Al Bawaba  Aly El Samman It was my great fortune, when I was in Paris in the 1980s, to join an organization for interfaith dialogue founded by a highly regarded Egyptian, the late Dr. Adel Amer, and the Catholic Father Michel Lelong. After the death of Dr. Adel, I was elected President of that organization, ADIC, and shortly after that I called an extraordinary meeting of the ADIC General Assembly meeting at which I proposed that the organization expand its original name to include ‘Intercultural Dialogue’ as well as ‘Interfaith Dialogue and the Peace Education’. The idea of adding cultural dialogue...

Dr. Maged Riad, American-Egyptian and Christian, confronts Obama 

1/10/2013 Over the past thirty years, during my frequent travels to the capitals of the West, I always dreamt of the day in which we might successfully create an Egyptian or Arab lobby to defend our position, just as the Jews did in Europe and America. The Jewish lobby, the most powerful in the world, defends Israel, and we need one of our own to speak on our behalf. Finally, my dream has come true. Maged Riad, a Christian Egyptian-American lawyer based in New York, has set up just the kind of organization we need. Riad, who I met through...

Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman 

by Abd Elhady Abbas for Al Akhbar11/10/2013 “I support the presidential candidacy of Gen. Sisi because it is a popular demand. To those who reject the army I say, please read our history carefully!” Dr. Ali El-Samman Q. To what extent is security and stability necessary for economic growth in this coming period? A. This is a serious question because the economy at this critical stage is quite dependent on security. Therefore, I cannot emphasize enough that security and economic recovery are inseparable. When you take the tourism industry into account, there is no denying that security is crucial. Tourism, upon...

Egyptian expats promote our interests in America 

10/4/2014, El Masry El Youm For more than two years I had not been to America. But recently I received a kind invitation from New York’s Stony Brook University to speak about the three monotheistic religions. The invitation was sent to me at the request of Sister Sanaa Nadim, chaplain of the Stony Brook Muslim Students Association, who has lived in America for 45 years and has gained the respect of her colleagues at the Interfaith Dialogue Center; Rabbi Joseph Topek, president of the Hillel Foundation for Jewish Life; Joanne Buonocore, religious advisor of the Roman Catholic Campus Ministry; and...

In words and numbers, a victory for al-Sisi, and tears of joy for Mahlab

28/3/2015, Al Masry Al Yom For all the swashbuckling and scheming of terrorists, it was only natural for our citizens to be vigilant as they watched this historic economic conference unfold in Sharm el Sheikh. From the bottom of their hearts, Egyptians wish for the will of this country to prevail, with our army and police forces providing every security precaution for this great achievement to go unimpeded. The attendance from the whole world was astounding; our Arab brethren came, driven by their chivalry and wisdom to support and stand by Egypt with great gallantry. In the lead were Saudi...

Security and Egyptian-American military cooperation

7/8/2015, Al Bawaba Speaking during an Egyptian-American Dialogue session Sunday morning, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that military cooperation between Egypt and the US is a mainstay of cooperation and essential for the security for both countries. The Egyptian foreign minister explained that Egypt is examining US regional power, which is also what the US is doing towards Egypt. He stated that reinforcing economic relations would be possible through a new approach based on mutual interests, not on the imposition of conditions. Minister Shoukry added that the American-Egyptian Dialogue will address the Palestinian issue, terrorism, ISIS, and Iran’s nuclear...

Retaliation against the terrorists

14/11/2012 The time for empty slogans is over. It is time to ring an alarm to wake up the Egyptian people. Once this call is heard, Egyptians must take to the streets en masse to declare war against terrorism. We shall pay a high price if we do not destroy the international terrorist organizations acting on our land that have received international and/or regional financing. National security must regain its strength and its ability to gather information about terrorist cells. In particular, now that the police have undergone structural reforms. But we always must remember that police, without national security’s...

The minister is safe, and so is our national security 

10/9/2013 There is something in the method the attackers used in the recent attempt to assassinate Interior Minister General M. Ibrahim, which caused widespread outrage among Egyptians of all walks of life, that reminded me of another attempt, one that claimed the life of Prime Minister Rafik el-Hariri of Lebanon. Many of the details are similar, although the explosive charge was larger in el-Hariri’s case. Ibrahim and the policemen who work for him are soldiers in our battle with terror. Being in the frontline, they are risking their lives to protect ours. Unlike their enemies they have rules to follow....

What is the truth of the assassination attempt on Egypt’s interior minister?

16/9/2013 The cowardly attempt on the life of Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim brings us face to face with tough questions about our police force. Were the measures taken to protect the minister adequate, for example? We also have to ask ourselves if the dismantling of the State Security (now renamed the National Security) service, in Morsi’s time, advisable? Other questions, far more important, also come to mind. I am trying not to be paranoid, but isn’t there a chance that our security services were infiltrated by Morsi’s people during the Muslim Brotherhood’s rule. To put it bluntly, did Morsi appoint...

Nabil Farrag: Martyr, Commander and Hero

24/9/2013 I would have never imagined that hostilities would rip this country apart, turning Egyptians against one another, and even Muslims against each other. Those who have chosen the path of violence and extremism are now pitted against those who refuse to let terror reign supreme in our land. I never thought that names like “Raba’a al- Adaweya”, “al-Nahda” and “Kerdasa” would forever be embedded in our memories as sites of bloodshed and venues of horror. In one battle after another, the Muslim Brotherhood dug in, often summoning its friends from Hamas for help, asking the Palestinians to do battle...

October victory… relishing the memory

8/10/2013 The banned Muslim Brotherhood now wants to liberate Tahrir Square. MB members, in their deranged fanaticism, see this square, with its immense symbolism, as an enemy-occupied territory that must be reclaimed. To make matters worse, MB members are now insulting the great army of Egypt, this the army that ended the myth of Israeli invincibility. The Egyptian army fought a successful war of attrition under Nasser. Then, under Sadat, it fought a great battle that paved the way to negotiations resulting in the restoration of Sinai, the very piece of land that the MB practically handed over to the...

No more obstruction to protest law… and our hearts go out to Camellia

29/10/2013 The opinions of those who clamor about protecting the “gains of the revolution” and who are thus dead set against any regulation of protests are clearly at odds with the terrible reality of our streets. Recently we saw maddening protests sweeping Al-Azhar University, in which the participants hurled insults at the army as well as at Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb. Any insult to the army, which defends the country, and the grand imam, who is the face of tolerant Islam, is distasteful to the extreme. But what is even more distasteful is that some people, posing as champions of...

Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman

by Amal Saleh for Al Yom 7 16/11/2013 “The Brotherhood is a gamble the U.S. lost. The fact that Washington drew back from using the term ‘coup’ affirms its commitment to maintain its relationship with Cairo. The strengthening of relations with Russia is an ‘urgent need’ and not against America.” Dr. Aly El-Samman Dr. Aly El-Samman, head of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education, affirmed that the United States is poised to refrain completely from supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. Washington is no longer willing to bet on a losing horse, for the Egyptians have sent the White...

No lenience when it comes to implementing the protest law

3/12/2013 When some people start chanting anti-army and anti-police slogans on the streets, when they blatantly defy the protest law and arrange for demonstrations without prior permission, and when they assault policemen in the line of duty, such actions push the country closer to the brink. This nation has had enough of chaos and violence, and now needs to focus on production, employment and education. England, the prototype democracy for the modern world, has only a limited tolerance for protests. On 15 August 2011, Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about the riots that erupted in the country, saying: “these riots...

Will the millions of June 30 take a stand on chaos?

24/12/2013 Hardly a day passes without rioters running wild in the streets and squares of Egypt, assaulting the security of universities, threatening police and state institutions, and shedding the blood of ordinary people, as in the incident involving a taxi driver in Mansoura who was slaughtered by extremists. The authorities have arrested four people in connection with the Mansoura murder. Now the family of the taxi driver, and the rest of the nation, want to see swift justice. The full force of the law should be brought upon those who commit such atrocities. A national security officer, Capt. Ahmed Wahid,...

Defending our Christians in Libya

11/3/2014 In yet another unspeakable atrocity, Libyan extremists killed seven Egyptian Christians after kidnapping them from their homes in a Libyan village on February 23. This horrific crime impels me to reiterate that we need to do more to protect the church and the Christians in Egypt. We need to make absolutely sure that no further assaults are carried out against them by extremist groups. Nearly one hundred churches have come under attack in Egypt. Many Christians have been assaulted or had their property vandalized. The Egyptian Church and the Christians have prudently refrained from retaliation. Instead, their silence was...

Security and Egyptian-American military cooperation

7/8/2015, Al Bawaba Speaking during an Egyptian-American Dialogue session Sunday morning, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that military cooperation between Egypt and the US is a mainstay of cooperation and essential for the security for both countries. The Egyptian foreign minister explained that Egypt is examining US regional power, which is also what the US is doing towards Egypt. He stated that reinforcing economic relations would be possible through a new approach based on mutual interests, not on the imposition of conditions. Minister Shoukry added that the American-Egyptian Dialogue will address the Palestinian issue, terrorism, ISIS, and Iran’s nuclear...

The Brotherhood must renounce violence and apologize publically before reconciliation

nterview with Dr. Aly El SammanBy Heba Amin for Al Watan19/8/2015 At 86 years of age, Dr. Aly El Samman has witnessed the royal era, three revolutions, seven presidents and the Brotherhood in its infancy. He joined them at the time of its founder Hassan Al Banna, but when he learned that Judge Al Khazendar had been assassinated by the Brotherhood, he immediately resigned. In his interview with Al Watan, Dr. Aly El Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue (ADIC), said that he was very close to Hassan al-Hudaybi the Brotherhood murshid (general guide) during...

The bickering among the political parties is unhealthy and unfortunate!

Interview with Dr Aly El SammanBy Mona El Haddad for Al Akhbar31/8/2015 The following was taken from an interview with Dr. Ali El Samman, President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue (ADIC) Q. Why hasn’t the spirit of can-do spread to other social endeavors, after opening the New Suez Canal? A. Definitely the New Suez Canal and what was achieved has, with no doubt, made every Egyptian quite happy. Still I believe that there are some powers that are not pleased at all. Frankly speaking, when I saw Omanaa Al Shorta (noncommissioned police officers or NCOs) demonstrating...

A compromise between workers and investors

29/3/2014, Al Ahram A system that balances the demands of the workers with the interests of businessmen can be of undeniable benefit to this country. We have no lack of good businessmen in this country, some are known personally to me. Take for example Mohamed Farid Khamis, Dr. Hassan Rateb, Dr. Ahmed Bahgat (despite the unfair criticism he has endured), and Magdy El Taher. The businessmen who live among us are holding up the torch that the father of Egyptian industry, Talaat Harb, lit a century or so ago. So it is my wish that the prime minister takes note...

In words and numbers, a victory for al-Sisi, and tears of joy for Mahlab

28/3/2015, Al Masry Al Yom For all the swashbuckling and scheming of terrorists, it was only natural for our citizens to be vigilant as they watched this historic economic conference unfold in Sharm el Sheikh. From the bottom of their hearts, Egyptians wish for the will of this country to prevail, with our army and police forces providing every security precaution for this great achievement to go unimpeded. The attendance from the whole world was astounding; our Arab brethren came, driven by their chivalry and wisdom to support and stand by Egypt with great gallantry. In the lead were Saudi...

Darwish and the economics of the Suez Canal

7/7/2017, Al Bawaba Dr. Ahmed Darwish, Chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone Authority, has embarked on a major media effort. holding a press conference last Tuesday to speak about the expanding economic prospects of the area around the Suez Canal. It is essential for the Egyptian general public to know that major countries and companies around the world are now looking into investing in infrastructure development in this area. German, British, French, Japanese, Singaporean and Kuwaiti companies are all looking for business opportunities in this zone, which covers 461 square kilometers along the banks of the Suez Canal. Until the...

A tribute to the writers of the constitution: “You led the way with remarkable honesty”

11/12/2013 When performing a public task of national dimensions, there is no way to satisfy all parties or handle it perfectly. Nevertheless, Mr. Amr Moussa, chairman of Egypt’s 50-member panel tasked with amending the Islamist-drafted constitution, stayed impartial throughout his moderation of the sessions, and was able to walk the thin line between diplomacy and political responsibility. Dr. Mohammed Salmawy, spokesman for the panel, also acted with great sensitivity and chose his words with care when he spoke to the media. The clerics who took part in the discussions also brought wisdom and a spirit of tolerance to proceedings. I...

What will the referendum’s victory mean?

14/1/2014 The resounding “yes” with which Egypt will endorse the new constitution is going to reverberate across those Arab countries which stood by our side and supported our June 30 Revolution. In defiance of external pressures countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman have offered us economic, political and media support. These countries acted with courage and solidarity, proving that they are strategic partners worthy of our trust. Our resolute “yes” is going also to be heard in Qatar and Turkey, but in tones of disappointment. Members of the Turkish opposition will point to the foreign...

June 6, 2010 – Association for Economic Information “Europe-Egypt” presents study on Innovation in CIT to Minister of Communications and Information Technology

Cairo (6/6/2010) Dr. Ali El-Samman, secretary general of the Association for Economic Information “Europe-Egypt”, presented the study, “Egypt: A Rising Star in Global ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship to the minister of communications and information technology, Dr. Tarek Kamel. Also present were Dr. Tarek El-Saadany, director of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s (MCIT) new Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center; Nermine El-Saadany, director of international relations, MCIT; and Victoria Harper, the American expert who produced the study for the Association “Europe-Egypt”. Innovation and entrepreneurship in ICT is an important new area for MCIT. Since Egypt is firmly established as one of...

June 28, 2010 – ADIC signs Agreement with Alliance of Civilizations’ Media Arm to Support Culture of Peace in Córdoba

Córdoba (28/6/2010) In response to Alliance of Civilizations’ call for greater intercultural dialogue, and to support the culture of peace, an agreement was signed by Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of the Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC); Mr. Enrique Gaspar, president of Nexos Alianza, the media arm of the Foundation for Alliance of Civilizations (part of the United Nations); and Mr. Manuel Palacios Sanchet, president of Parque International de la Paz Euromediterraneo. Presented by the deputy speaker of the Parliament of Córdoba, Mr. Fernando Expósito, the agreement provides for the three signatories to promote the spirit...

July 25, 2010 – ADIC Activates Agreement with Alliance of Civilizations’ Media Arm to Support Culture of Peace in Córdoba

Madrid (28/6/2010) The activation of an Agreement of Cooperation that was finalized in Córdoba last month, was signed in Madrid by Mr. Manuel Palacios Sanchet, president of Parque International de la Paz Euromediterraneo; Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of ADIC; and Mr. Enrique Gaspar, president of Nexos Alianza. This activation of the previous agreement elaborates the details of the programs mentioned in the original agreement in Cordoba, on June 28, 2010. These programs are summarized in the following 5 points:1. Organizing an encounter of young people – representatives of the future – of different religions and races in Córdoba and in...

October 6, 2010 – Coptic Pope and Grand Imam of Al Azhar Issue Joint Statement against Sectarian Strife in Egypt 

Cairo (6/19/2010) In response to recent Muslim-Christian tensions in Egypt, the Orthodox Coptic general bishop and secretary of Pope Shenouda III, Anba Ermia; and the president of ADIC, Dr. Aly El-Samman, coordinated with Orthodox Coptic Pope Shenouda III and Grand Imam Al-Azhar Ahmed Al Tayeb, to articulate the thoughts of these men, both of whom are strong and active believers in the values shared by their two religions. Their resulting joint statement is a call for all parties to counteract religious intolerance with peaceful coexistence and unconditionally shared citizenship. Sectarian tension has occasionally led to violent confrontations between Egypt’s Muslim...

January 12, 2011 – ADIC Egypt – First Board of Directors Meeting

Cairo (12-1-2011) On October 16, 2010, ADIC finalized the registration of its official office in Cairo under the Egyptian NGO law. A number of prominent members of Egyptian society, Muslim and Copt, have since joined ADIC Egypt in order to participate in local intercultural and interfaith activities. The first meeting of the board of directors was held in Cairo on January 12, 2011, during which the folowing proposals for improving relations between the two communities were approved. A proposal by Naguib Sawiris, chairman of ORASCOM: 1. To publish a study describing the elements common among the three monotheistic religions to...

June 28, 2011 – Al-Azhar statement about the “Civil State” at UNESCO

Paris (28/6/2011) Al Ahram – In his speech during the round table that was organized by the UNESCO in Paris last week, Dr. Aly El-Samman unveiled the content of the historic document issued by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif concerning the “Civil State”. During the meeting they discussed the Arab revolutions, also known as the “Arab Spring” in the presence of UNESCO Director, Mrs Irina Bokova; former president of Senegal, General Koïchiro Matsuura; president of the Federation of La Francophonie, Abdou Diouf; and Dr. Boutros-Ghali, president of the National Council for Human Rights. In his speech, Dr. El-Samman highlighted the role of Al-Azhar...

February 3, 2012 – ADIC France Calls for Peace and Fraternity in Egypt

Paris (3-2-2011) Following the February 2, 2012 board of directors meeting of ADIC France (International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education), presided by its president, Dr. Aly Elsamman, Egyptian lawyer; and co-president, Stelio Farandjis, professor at Sorbonne-Paris University, the following statement was released: ADIC congratulations Egypt on its progress towards democracy. True to our founding principles, we hope that Egypt, as a great country which has always played a central role in the Middle-East, will continue to be a key force of development, stability and peace. ADIC is particularly keen to acknowledge Pope Shenouda III. We wish...

September 3, 2012 – Dr. Aly El Samman receives French Legion of Honor

(Paris 3-9-2012) At the exclusive Cercle de l’Union Interalliée in Paris, Jean Felix-Paganon, personal representative of the French foreign minister, on behalf of President Francois Hollande, presented Dr. Aly El Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC) with the insignia of Officer of the French National Order of the Legion of Honor, in recognition of  his invaluable and tireless efforts for Egyptian-French relations and  the promotion of intercultural and religious dialogue and peace education. Many renowned figures attended the ceremony such as former French Minister of Defense Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Mrs. Boutros Boutros...

September 25, 2012 – Launch of Dr. El-Samman’s book “Egypt from One Revolution to Another”

(London – 25/9/2012) The English publishing house Gilgamesh organized a cocktail party at Daunt Books in London for the publication of the autobiography, “Egypt From one Revolution to Another” by Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC). In a convivial atmosphere, Max Scott from Gilgamesh, Michael Binyon, the esteemed journalist from the English daily The Times who wrote the foreword of the book, and Dr Aly El-Samman, each addressed the audience. Among those attending the launch were English and Egyptian personalities, well-known journalists, and friends.

November 13, 2012 – Roundtable Discussion: Bridging Secularism and Religious Beliefs in Contemporary Societies

On 13 November 2012, the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC) organized a roundtable discussion with the Swedish Institute Alexandria. The event, which took place at the Swedish Institute, explored prospects of coexistence among people from different religious and secular backgrounds, as well as how the media can facilitate or complicate interfaith and intercultural relations. A lively discussion among foreign, regional and local experts and 30 students from Cairo, Tanta and Alexandria was held in an atmosphere of respect for difference of opinion. The specialists from France, England, Jordan and Sweden shared their experiences of...

October 3, 2013 – World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”. Rhodes 2013

The World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” held a plenary session entitled “Sunni-Shia Dialogue” as part of the Rhodes Forum 2013 on the island of Rhodes, Greece. During the meeting, Dr. Aly El-Samman delivered a speech in which he shed light on points of agreement and points of contention between Sunnis and Shiites. He emphasized that the points of agreement are more numerous, as there is full accord on the issues of faith in God, the Qur’an, and Prophet Mohammed, adding that the rest of the points of disagreement are minor issues. Dr. El-Samman also stressed the importance of the...

November 25, 2013 – Lambeth Palace Book launch for “Three Windows on Heaven”

The English publisher, Gilgamesh, held a reception at the Church of England’s Lambeth Palace in London on November 25, to launch the book Three Windows on Heaven – Acceptance of Others, Dialogue and Peace in the Sacred Texts of the Three Abrahamic Religions. The book, written by prominent international Jewish, Christian and Muslim specialists, was edited by Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC). Speaking to an audience of distinguished guests, religious figures, journalists, and ambassadors were Rev. Dr. Toby Howarth, secretary of Interreligious Affairs to the archbishop of Canterbury; Max...

March 24, 2014 – Stony Brook University Launch for Three Windows on Heaven

Interfaith Center at Stony Brook UniversityStony Brook, New York Mrs. Sanaa Nadim, Chaplain of the Islamic Society of the Interfaith Center at Stony Brook University, invited Dr. Aly El-Samman, President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Education of Peace (ADIC) to present his book, Three Windows on Heaven – Acceptance of Others, Dialogue and Peace in the Sacred Texts of the Three Abrahamic Religions, a book he edited with prominent international Jewish, Christian and Muslim specialists. The event also featured other speakers, in particular Rabbi Joseph Topek, chairman of the Interfaith Center of Hillel for Jewish Campus...


Meeting with Aly El Samman, former advisor to President Anwar Sadat Alliance israélite universelle, Paris December 4, 2014 From journalist to presidential media adviser, corporate consultant to pioneer in interfaith dialogue, Aly El Samman defies characterization. Currently, he is President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC). Among the many posts he occupied in the past, he was foreign media adviser to President Anwar Sadat, in particular during the Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations; director of the prime minister’s cabinet for infrastructure projects for Western Europe; and vice-president of the Permanent Committee of Al-Azhar for Dialogue...

December 4, 2014 – El Samman Speaks at Médiathèque Alliance Baron Edmond de Rothschild

MEETING WITH ALY EL SAMMANFormer advisor to President Anwar Sadat Médiathèque Alliance Baron Edmond de Rothschild – ParisDecember 4th 2014 Within the framework of the series “Jews and Muslims in the Land of Islam”, Ariel Danan, in charge of Médiathèque Alliance Baron Edmond de Rothschild, organized a meeting with Aly El Samman, former advisor to President Sadat and president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC). Aly El Samman, who was a journalist as well as media advisor to President Anwar Sadat and a pioneer of interfaith dialogue, was introduced by Ariel Danan, who gave the...

Egypt: Into a New era with a New Governance

Egypt: What are its ambitions after the Revolution?Colloquium at l’Ecole Militaire – Paris24 June 2015 First of all, thank you to the organizers of this meeting to have chosen the subject: “Egypt, what are its ambitions after the Revolution?” Indeed, the people who chose to change the system and leadership on January 25th, 2011 had the ambition that such a change should be done smoothly. Surprisingly, the president at that time, Hosni Mubarak, agreed with Vice-president Omar Soliman’s proposal to leave, making sure that police would not open fire on the crowd and the Republican Guard would not use its...

June 26, 2015 – Conference at Ecole militaire, Paris – “Egypt, What ambitions after the revolution?” 

Jointly organized by the “Institut des hautes etudes de defense nationale” and the association “Pour la Fondation France-Egypte”, this meeting, under the patronage and in presence of H.E. Boutros Boutros Ghali , United Nations former secretary and H.E. Ehab Badawi, Egyptian ambassador in France, aimed to examine the different axes of development of Egypt and the relationship between France and Egypt. Jean-Noel Chevreau, first delegate of the 28th national session of the “Institut des hautes etudes de defense nationale” opened the session and gave the speakers an opportunity to express themselves. Dr. Aly El Samman president of the International Union...

May 30, 2016 – Dr. Aly El Samman meets with the leadership of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Swedish Parliament at the Swedish Institute Alexandria in Egypt

Peter Wiederud introduced Aly El Samman as a former journalist, media advisor to President Anwar Sadat and a pioneer of interfaith dialogue, then gave the key points to be discussed during the meeting. These included the encounter between Pope Francis II and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Al-Tayeb, which took place in Rome on May 23rd 2016; intercultural and interfaith dialogue; as well as the Camp David peace treaty, Sadat’s trip to Jerusalem, and key figures El Samman met over the years. As to the first point, Aly El Samman stressed that the meeting between Pope Francis II and...

Association for Economic Information Europe-Egypt

Founded by Dr. El-Samman in 1984, the Association for Economic Information Europe-Egypt was a Swiss non-profit dedicated to improving the transparency and quality of information concerning the Egyptian Government’s national development projects. Under Dr. El-Samman’s leadership, objectives also included publicizing Egyptian projects made possible with European funding through large-scale endeavors such as the Industry Modernization Program. In different forms over the years, the information that Europe-Egypt publishes was used as background information for national debt refinancing; at international economic development conferences; for door-knock missions overseas; and locally to inform visiting delegations of politicians, diplomats, investors and reporters. Through its mission of...

International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue andPeace Education (ADIC)  The International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC) was launched in Paris in 1989. Created by Dr. Adel Amer, former director of the League of Arab States in Paris; and Father Lelong, a catholic White Father; ADIC was originally called, L’Association du Dialogue Islamo-Chrétien (Association for Muslim-Christian Dialogue). When Dr. Amer passed away in 1995, Dr. Aly El-Samman, international lawyer and member of the Supreme Islamic Council of Egypt, picked up the torch and became president of ADIC. Dr. El-Samman then expanded the organization’s mandate to include dialogue with those of the Jewish faith. In order...

Practical proposals from the Governor of Cairo

11/1/2012  Cairo governor Dr. Abd El Kawi Khalifa has put forth proposals to achieve two important goals, keeping Cairo clean and motivating young people. The first goal, to keep our capital clean, would be addressed by imposing fines of up to four thousand Egyptian pounds on those who litter in the streets. And if a driver litters, regardless of the type of vehicle, his fine would be required before receiving his yearly license renewal. To achieve his second goal, directing the energy of young people into productive activities, Dr. Khalifa suggested cooperation among the Revolutionary Youth Coalition, local cleaning companies,...

God protect us from the selfish ones

25/1/2012 My recent meetings with foreign, Arab and Egyptian investors gave me the distinct impression that almost everyone plans to wait and see what will happen today, January 25, before deciding on their investment strategies. I heard from real estate expert Mrs. Samia Moussa that many investors she works with have postponed projects until after January 25. Will those who foment chaos succeed in depriving our country of its economic opportunities? translated from Al Akhbar

A suggestion to the minister of interior before “reforming” the police

22/2/2012 Listening to debates about how to reform the police and security forces, I am reminded of the special courts set up after the 1952 revolution that ultimately did more damage than good. For that reason and by virtue of my training as a lawyer, I prefer that we stick to our legal system, with its procedures and due process. If we go by the book, we should be able to put the criminals away and protect our community without resorting to exceptional measures.  As for restructuring and reforming the ministry of interior, I ask the minister not to succumb...

Egypt urgently needs stability and financial aid 

29/2/2012 As a member of the civil society think tank Club de Monaco, I was honored to participate in this year’s meeting held in Qatar by Crown Prince Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. Here is an excerpt from the speech I delivered during the closing session. Stability and security Stability is key to security, yet some powers in the country are pushing for the firing of police, without proven cause under the pretext of “reforming the police”. This creates instability by preventing the police from doing its job. Dismissing police without fair investigations is a serious issue and leaves citizens at...

Ganzouri and Egypt’s foreign aid

7/3/2012 In his speech before parliament on February 26, Prime Minister Ganzouri said that donor countries had failed to respect their commitments to send financial aid to Egypt. Upon hearing this, my first reaction was to write in Al Akhbar a reproach to the EU and Arab countries for failing to honor their pledges to support Egypt’s ailing economy. Consequently, a friend from Saudi Arabia, who is close to Prince Saud El Faisal, told me to read the prince’s response to Dr. Ganzouri’s remarks. I saw that Dr. Ganzouri had not told us the whole story. According to the prince,...

Involving judiciary in foreign NGO case was a mistake

14/3/2012 Serious concerns were raised about the independence of our judiciary after Egypt lifted the travel ban on 43 foreigners who were under investigation for operating unlicensed NGO’s and illegally receiving foreign funds. Sixteen of those released were U.S. citizens. Personally, I believe it was a mistake to involve the judiciary in this sensitive matter. The courts were put in an impossible position: uphold the travel ban, convict the Americans, and cause an international incident; or release the Americans to travel and provoke the outrage of Egyptian citizens. To make matters worse, the case was handled badly from the moment...

Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour for vice-president

14/3/2012 As a supporter of the presidential candidate Mansour Hassan, I’ve decided to use part of my weekly article in Al Akhbar (and some blog posts) to propose ideas to him from now until Election Day. So, my friend, here are my two cents for whatever they’re worth. My first suggestion is that if you win the election, appoint Minister Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour as your vice president, but wait until after your victory to name him. Why Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour? 1. His roots in the Wafd party Abdel Nour comes from a long line of prominent Wafdists, the...

Pope Shenouda III

21/3/2012 We will never forget Pope Shenouda III. We will never forget his quiet words, his unerring advice to the Copts of Egypt in difficult times of sectarian strife, times when violent clashes threatened our national unity. During Pope Shenouda’s illness, sectarian clashes broke out in October 2010 and there were heightened tensions between Muslims and Christians. Father Anba Ermia, general bishop and Pope Shenouda III’s secretary, suggested that I prepare a joint statement to be signed by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb; and Pope Shenouda III. As we were racing against time to complete this task,...

Liberating Liberation Square together

28/3/2012 When guests come to visit Egypt from abroad, among their first things they do in Cairo is pay a visit to Tahrir (Liberation) Square, famous for its association with the January 25 Revolution. When will we be willing to face the contradiction between the contradictory images of Tahrir Square? The first is of a place where thousands of dedicated young men and women descended, carrying brooms, dust pans and garbage bags, to clean up after the regime’s downfall; and the second, a year after it claimed center stage of the Arab Spring, is an image of total chaos. Today,...

Ahmad Zewail and idol worship

28/3/2012 People tend to worship celebrities and turn them into idols, especially if they hold high level honors like the Nobel Prize. Nevertheless, Ahmed Zewail’s ranking as a world-class scientist does not stop me from asking him two direct questions: First, after seizing the Nile University (NU) buildings for your “Zewail Science and Technology City”, why are you intent upon dismantling their past achievements? And why do you plan to disband the Board of Trustees, especially considering that it is headed by Akil Bashir, a man known for his experience and honesty? Is the goal to have everything in the...

Minister of Housing challenges “caretaker government” label with strategic plan for urban development 

4/4/2012 In spite of Egypt’s complicated political, economic and security situations, Dr. Mohamed Fathi El Baradei, the minister of housing, has put forth a strategic plan for urban development. This is his gift to future generations who are certain to experience rapid population growth. Dr. El Baradei’s urban development plan challenges the short term thinking that asserts that “the caretaker government”, meaning Dr. Ganzouri and his ministers, should not be involved in making strategic plans for any project. I disagree; we should encourage anyone who is willing to work for our future, even if their stay in power is limited....

Protect our courthouses!

Criticism directed to our security authorities18/4/2012 During the last few days, I watched with dismay as large numbers of unruly supporters of Salafist presidential candidate Hazem Salah Abu-Ismail gathered outside the state court in Cairo’s Dokki district. According to Egyptian election regulations, anyone who has a dual citizenship, or has a parent or spouse with one, is barred from the presidential race. Although his mother used her American passport to enter Egypt, Abu-Ismail filed a lawsuit to require the Interior Ministry to prove that she was a dual citizen. Without official Egyptian documentation, Abu-Ismail asserted, he could not be disqualified...

Egypt’s tradition of respect for the law

25/4/2012 One of the sources of Egypt’s greatness throughout history has been its legislative codes, one of the first in the world. Our modern civil code has been a source of law and inspiration for numerous Middle Eastern countries and our legal scholars have educated generations of Arab minds. Let us not forget such legal giants as Judge Abdel Hamid Badawi Pasha who served at the International Court of Justice, and Dr. Fouad Riad, judge at the International Criminal Court. Nor should we forget that Dr. Mahmoud Azmi was among those who wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted...

El-Shater’s unfounded accusations

25/4/2012 Egypt’s Supreme Presidential Electoral Commission (SPEC) made the decision on April 14 to ban the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Khairat El-Shater, along with nine other candidates, from running for the nation’s top post. El-Shater, a man I used to respect for his intelligence and moderate views, proceeded to slam the SPEC and its head, Farouk Sultan, accusing them of colluding with the SCAF to recreate the old regime. El-Shater even claimed to have documents to prove it. So now the Brotherhood is spying on the SCAF? I wonder how they pulled that off? If only the SCAF and Sultan would...

“Islam is the solution” is not the solution…!

25/4/2012 I dedicate this new twist to the old slogan to the wiser members of the Muslim Brotherhood, such as Mahdi Akef, former general guide, and Mohammed Habib, the deputy general guide, to remind them that they live in a country with millions of Christians, liberals and supporters of a civil state. As we redefine our country together, the last thing we need is the slogan “Islam is the Solution”. translated from Al-Akhbar

Giza: past, present, and hope for future

9/5/2012 National project for housing The Giza Governorate is implementing a three phase housing project in the city of 6th of October to build 11,940 housing units on 199 acres of land. Phase one is complete and of phase two, 85% of it will be delivered in 2 months. This project brings renewed hope for young people, keeping them from falling into despair, or turning to extremism. Elimination and rehabilitation of slums The strategy for the rehabilitation of slums in the Giza Governorate focuses on the unsafe areas where crime and violence are rampant. The development plan will also extend...

Get rid of Hazem Abu Ismail, for Egypt’s sake!

9/5/2012 On Friday, May 4, the chaos in Abbasiya reached its peak after five days of demonstrations by Hazem Abu Ismail supporters protesting his disqualification from the presidential election. The protestors blocked the streets leading to the Ministry of Defense and advanced on it, throwing stones. Earlier, ONTV broadcast a video showing men hiding inside the minaret of Abbasiya’s Nour mosque and shooting at the soldiers and military police protecting the area around the ministry. It appears that this was also the scene of the assassination of military conscript Samir Anwar Samir. I was stunned that the soldiers and military...

Shafiq as president and Moussa as national hero

16/5/2012 For whom to vote? To achieve the objectives that matter most to supporters of a civil state, such as the non-radicalization of religion and the protection of Copts and women rights, Amr Moussa and Ahmed Shafiq should reflect on the consequences of their both running for president. With both of these leading secular candidates in the race, the liberal and nationalist vote will inevitably be split between them. Recent statistics indicate that Moussa has the better chance, while some observers say that the ratings of Shafiq have risen significantly. Regardless, the situation would be tragic if neither of them...

Priorities for the next president

16/5/2012 The top priorities for the next president should be to restore security throughout the entire country, then to stimulate production and investment. People are suffering from the absence of security not only in the capital, but also in Sinai, in Upper Egypt, and along the west coast until Salloum. When I say ‘restore security’, I mean also to reassure policemen that if they perform their duty firmly and correctly, no one will accuse them of injustice or violence. No doubt, establishing security would motivate production. Until then, workers will continue protesting and shouting slogans. We will all pay for...

Sultan maneuvers to damage Shafiq with lies 

16/5/2012 Just a few days before the presidential election, Ahmed Shafiq finds himself facing accusations of graft from the opportunist Wasat Party MP Essam Sultan. He claims that Shafiq sold thousands of acres of state land to Hosni Mubarak’s sons at reduced prices. This is clearly another attempt by Sultan to destroy Shafiq’s chances to win the election. Attorney General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud should speed up the investigation into this matter quickly, so that Shafiq’s image will not be tarnished during the election. If it is proven that the allegations are false, Sultan’s parliamentary immunity should be revoked immediately and...

Respecting the will of the voters

23/5/2012 In the days leading up to the presidential election, we began hearing members of some groups saying: “If we don’t win the election, it must have been rigged!” More voices added: “And then we will flock to Tahrir Square and elsewhere to ignite fires!” I was deeply disappointed to find among these some Muslim Brotherhood (MB) figures that I used to admire like Eng. Khairat El Shater and Dr. Mohamed El Beltagui, executive members of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP). For them, democracy means only that their candidate must win. From their point of view, if the people...

The role of the media in exposing electoral abuses

23/5/2012 Many reports of electoral abuses have surfaced, such as those that describe Islamic groups going into villages, hamlets and slums with huge quantities of food, such as potatoes, oil and sugar and sometimes even money, to distribute to the poor people to buy their votes. (When I say “Islamic groups” I distinguish between those who practice Islam sincerely, as their faith, and those who manipulate religion for political gain.) The media must be vigilant until the end of the election; they must take their cameras into the streets to expose these abuses, which threaten the legitimacy of the election....

No coup d’etat in Egypt!

23/6/2012 Today in an interview with the largest cable news channel in France, LCI (The News Chanel), I took serious issue with the American and European media that describe the constitutional addendum issued by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) as a coup d’état. I firmly believe that SCAF took these measures to protect the citizens, the ballot box, legitimacy and justice. Americans and Europeans need to realize that Egypt is not like Libya, Tunisia, or Yemen, because the Egyptian Army actually protects the freedom and independence of the Egyptian people. translated from Al-Akhbar

Security and stability

27/6/2012 I would like to offer some advice to President Morsy regarding the reform of the Ministry of Interior: avoid the spirit of revenge in dealing with it, and act in the spirit of a statesman who is aware of the need for the police forces to protect the security of citizens. Those policemen who are guilty must have their guilt established in a court of law. And it would be reassuring if our head of state, when he speaks about the martyrs of the revolution, whom we all respect, would keep in mind that among the martyrs were quite a...

National reconciliation

27/6/2012 It would be great if President Mohamed Morsy makes good on his promises to extend a hand to everyone, without exception, and to make sure that vengefulness is a thing of the past for it is not in the country’s best interests. This would include approaching all those who have experience and take benefit from their exceptional skills. I would encourage him to take a moment to evaluate the pros and cons of those who worked for the former regime. Say, for example, to look into the case of former Minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid, whose creative ideas could help...

Economy, investment, tourism and employment

27/6/2012 We have been desperately waiting for the economy to become the absolute priority to this country, for we cannot allow the stagnation to go on any longer. To stimulate investment at home and abroad, we need to reassure the investors of the constancy of the tax laws and regulations, and we need to restore security and stability. Investment, security and stability are essential for the revival of tourism, one of our main sources of income. I hope that President Morsy will ensure that religion is not used in such a way that it becomes a “scarecrow” that keeps tourists...

Those who deserve honor today

27/6/2012 Thinking back on the period preceding the announcement of the results of the presidential election, those who conducted fierce campaigns of slander and negativity against the main bodies in charge of the process should now feel shame. In spite of the skepticism aimed at them, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), the Supreme Presidential Elections Commission (SPEC), and the Supreme Constitutional Court performed their duties with great patience, preparing and issuing their legitimate findings with restraint. Announcing Morsy as president of Egypt ultimately brought honor to the members of these institutions. Finally, Commander Shafiq should be honored...

Evacuate Tahrir Square… and go to work!

4/7/2012 The story of Tahrir Square and the January 25 Revolution that changed our political system is now part of our contemporary history. However, the identity of Tahrir square has changed now that the revolutionaries have been replaced by street vendors and criminals who have neither respect, nor dignity, nor hygiene. The square has been transformed into a truly ugly place. Nevertheless, instead of crying over spilled milk, I would ask President Morsy to consider a practical alternative. Why not transform the square into an historic memorial ground with a statue of the famous Egyptian revolutionary “Ahmed Orabi” in the...

Giving due recognition

4/7/2012 Last week, Mohamed Morsy took the presidential oath twice; first, in Tahrir Square, and then before the general assembly of the Supreme Constitutional Court. The new president appears to have made a successful compromise between the legitimacy of the law and the legitimacy of the revolution. Personally, I see no contradiction between the two oaths as long as in his role as head of state he keeps his priorities straight. It was a nice touch that Morsy spoke at Cairo University, recognizing also the legitimacy of education and knowledge.  He should also consider recognizing the armed forces for protecting...

President Nasser and the United States

11/7/2012 President Nasser’s experience with the U.S. is an excellent history lesson for young people who were not yet born during Nasser’s era because it is key to interpreting recent developments between Egypt and America. At the time of the 1952 Revolution the U.S. ambassador to Egypt was Jefferson Caffery, a high-ranking diplomat. Caffery was known to be a great supporter of Nasser, who, along with his Free Officers, was seen as having strong anti-communist sentiments. American support had grown after the Cairo’s January 1952 fire, an expression of popular anger and potential prelude to a street-led revolution. The U.S....

After al-Assad, what then?

8/9/2012 The Syrian revolution and Al Assad’s potential fall is part of the same scenario that was repeated in many Arab countries, which the West romanticizes and idealizes by calling the “Arab Spring”. Months passed and regimes fell, but in most Arab countries, Libya in particular, the results have been regional and sectarian divisions, conflicts, and economic crises. The “Arab Spring” began with a fact. The presidents of the Arab countries concerned – Gaddafi, Ben Ali, Saleh of Yemen, al-Assad, Mubarak – were dictators who had serious flaws that brought about their downfalls. The corruption and election rigging that took...

The voice of the court is second to none

17/7/2012 There is a campaign underway serving the political interests of a certain group, that is a retaliation against the Supreme Constitutional Court because of its decision to dissolve the People’s Assembly. This decision was rendered legally through reasoning respected by most jurists. As citizens, something that concerns us deeply about such politically-motivated conflicts are the demonstrations that erupt on our streets, some of them with people shouting slogans, carrying vulgar signs, disrespecting the judiciary, and demanding its purge. The mobs making these unfair accusations attack all state institutions, from the judiciary that is itself entitled to justice, to the...

The first anniversary of the attack on a police station at Al-Arish

31/7/2012 A year has passed since gunmen attacked a police station in El-Arish. Those criminals, who belong to Islamic extremist groups, abuse Islam and are an affront to the religion of peace and tolerance. In the early days of the January 25th Revolution, prisoners fled to Sinai after the attacks on police stations and jails throughout Egypt. As their numbers increased, so did the amount of sophisticated and deadly weapons they brought with them. Conspirators in El Arish and Gaza (and possibly those in Israel who remain resentful that President Sadat forced them to return Sinai to Egypt) specifically struck...

A tribute to those who liberated Tahrir Square 

29/9/2012 It is now evident that those who participated in the irresponsible demonstrations over the past few days have nothing to do with defending Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). There is abundant proof that most of them were thugs and mercenaries paid to vandalize! In a recent article, I appealed to the Minister of Interior, General Ahmed Gamal El Din to “liberate” Tahrir (Liberation) Square. Although he stated, when he assumed his ministerial duties, that it was possible to evacuate such places like Tahrir Square from criminals in few hours, he believed that a consensus of political movements should precede any such...

No choice between conflicting camps

24/11/2012 I have spent my life praying to God that I might be the one to bring people together and not the one who divides them. I have chosen a path of dialogue to avoid clashes and conflicts such as those we have seen in recent days. These clashes and conflicts are driving the nation to a stalemate and splitting it into two camps fighting each other. Both camps are forgetting the interests of the country, forgetting the importance of protecting national security and the preservation of life. Therefore, my conscience prevents me from choosing sides or taking part in...

Rules of dialogue

27/11/2012 The rules of dialogue apply to everyone. On the one hand, Morsi, prior to issuing a package of resolutions and a new constitutional declaration, should have met with respected elders of the nation to discuss his reasoning. On the other hand, when Morsi invited political leaders to discuss these important matters, they should not have imposed conditions such as the cancellation of the constitutional declaration before starting a dialogue. Real dialogue does not impose conditions. The nation is divided and at great risk. Our economy is about to collapse and if a “revolution of the hungry” were to take place,...

Who does Hazem Abu Ismail think he is?

24/12/2012 Yet another topic that has intensified public anger is seeing Hazem Abu Ismail’s supporters attacking Egypt’s Media Production City and terrorizing members of the media who oppose the regime. Who is Hazem Abu Ismail to allow himself and his supporters to attack the headquarters and the newspaper offices of al-Wafd Party? Who is Hazem Abu Ismail to threaten to cut off the hand of Wael Ibrashi, Egyptian television presenter and Editor-in-Chief of Sawt Al-Umma? If we want to restore the State’s prestige, our legislators, our interior minister, and all ordinary citizens must work together to find a way to...

Why I said no to the constitution

24/12/2012 I read the new constitution first as an ordinary citizen and then as a lawyer. In particular, I was looking for anything that might affect the independence of the judiciary, for if we are to protect citizen rights and punish criminals, the protection of our judiciary is key. I do not claim to have absorbed every detail when I read the draft constitution, but I did get a good sense of it. Although many of the articles are controversial, the main reason I voted “no” was because of article 233 which states: “The first High Constitutional Court, once this...

No place in our country for Palestinian aggressors

2/1/2013 Egyptians tend to jumble the papers when they examine the Palestinian file, so we must take care to distinguish between the Palestinian cause and certain Palestinians individuals. No one can deny the major role that Egypt has played in supporting the Palestinian struggle for justice and equality. For more than 64 years, Egypt made great efforts and sacrifices including going to war. As for the Palestinian people, like all others they vary in type and conviction, and there is no doubt that some adopted extremist religious positions and chose the path of terrorism. We Egyptians will not forgive those...

Let 25 January be a day of national reconciliation

22/1/2013 As the second anniversary of the January 25 Revolution approaches, a lot of people expect demonstrations by opposition parties who reject the legitimacy of the government. Many anticipate clashes between supporters of the opposition and supporters of the current regime. God only knows what will be the extent and the results of this. I have a completely different scenario in mind, one that carries a dose of optimism and is described in the language of reason. The opposition forces can make as many demonstrations as they wish to reject the legitimacy of the existing regime, but I do not...

Bringing justice to citizens and police for the sake of Egypt 

8/2/2013 To weaken the police is to destroy their ability to protect citizens and institutions. The police are needed now more than ever to protect us and our families from the growing number of street thugs whose conduct is increasingly violent and erratic. As a man brought up with discipline and respect for the law, I am appalled at the current level of contempt for the police. I think back to the 1940s and 50s and remember that if a citizen assaulted a policeman, or even pulled a button off his jacket, the penalty was enough to deter further breeches...

Security and tourism development are inseparable

23/2/2013 Despite Egypt’s political crisis that has damaged Egypt’s tourism industry, the minister of tourism, Dr. Hisham Zazou, successfully put Egypt in a positive light during his speech before the World Tourism Conference in Madrid last month. He relayed confidence that tourism would be back in full force as soon as Egypt moves beyond its current situation. Participants and guests of the conference listened with great interest to Zazou’s speech as he explained that Egypt was and will always be “a real success story” and that to invest in Egypt is to “bet on a winning horse”. He concluded with...

Let’s unite and have mercy on Egypt! 

3/3/2013 When we examine Egypt’s current image from the presidential palace, Al Etihadia; to the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier in Nasr City; to Tahrir Square and Cairo University, we hear conflicting slogans and obscene expressions never before known in our history. We see violent clashes between rival sects, sometimes escalating to the use of automatic weapons. The result is always the same – a resounding failure to unify at this most critical juncture of our economic, social and political condition. At the very least we must agree upon a minimum of ways to protect our national interests and security....

A tribute to the armed forces for saving Sinai

17/3/2013 I breathed a sigh of relief when I learned that our armed forces were putting an end to the Sinai smuggling tunnels between Gaza and Egypt. In two days they destroyed 20 tunnels with heavy machinery while confronting the criminals who were trying to prevent the demolition. The future of one of the most precious part of our country is secure once again. There is no doubt that the action of the armed forces was carried out in coordination with the military intelligence. This service, trusted by the people of Sinai, is the only authority qualified to gather and...

Liberating downtown from its occupiers

6/5/2013 For decades, the streets of Kasr El Nil and Talaat Harb in downtown Cairo were a picture of tidiness and elegance. So I was utterly shocked to see masses of street vendors clogging the streets and sidewalks as I was passing through downtown today. Not only have these vendors created an eyesore, the way they are displaying their goods has reduced the passage of cars to a single vehicle, and has completely blocked the sidewalks from pedestrians. This, of course, is illegal. The shopkeepers in this area are facing a serious challenge as it has become impossible for them...

With work, law and order we could save Egypt

20/5/2013 When we look at the present situation, we find there are two major threats to the future of our country. The first is neglecting work and production, and the second is losing respect for laws and national institutions. The idea of the value of work has collapsed since the 25 January Revolution. With the pretext that we are still in a revolution, large numbers of citizens have given up work to protest and attend sit-ins; some even rioted and destroyed their workplaces! As we all know, when production declines national debt increases. This forces prices of everyday goods higher,...

No reconciliation before defeating terrorism  

31/7/2013 As a man who has spent his life promoting interfaith and intercultural dialogue, I understand that when conflict dominates the public scene and clashes rage, there are those who wish to begin a period of reconciliation. However, when it comes to strategies to ensure stability, my experience has taught me that we are not in a position to begin reconciliation as long as our national security is at stake. First: When we examine the situation in Egypt, we find a sharp difference between the MB after the collapse of their system, and the rest of the Egyptian people. The...

Egypt’s national security is sacred

When one hears the allegations of murder and of wanton bloodshed issuing from the lips of the leaders of the MB and their allies, one has to step back and pause. The men who staged the sit-ins in Rabaa al-Adawiya and al-Nahda, and their friends who reside in various hotbeds of terrorism are living proof that Egypt’s national security is under attack. Suffice it to consider the following points: 1. When citizens feel threatened and insecure in their daily life, when one feels like a stranger in his own country, when the country appears to be under occupation by the...

Islamic responsibility to protect Christians

20/8/2013 It was not the first time in our modern history that churches were the targets of attack, but never so many in such a short time. In less than a week after the dispersal of the sit-ins of Rabaa al-Adawiya in Nasr City and Nahda Square in Giza, sixty churches were violently attacked. The methods used also varied from past attacks. For the first time, churches and Christian-owned properties were attacked simultaneously. This also coincided with criminal acts of arson, assault with weapons, demolition of public and private property, and other acts of sabotage directed against all Egyptians by...

Foreigners do more harm than good in Egyptian affairs 

13/8/2013 In recent weeks, foreign officials flowed into Egypt with hypocritical slogans claiming that they had come to help the conflicting parties reconcile. Among them, the EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who speaks a balanced language; the U.S. deputy secretary of state, William Burns; and two republican senators, John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Considering that President Obama called for us to waive our right as Egyptians to prosecute our former rulers for crimes ranging from treason and espionage to corruption and fraud, it is telling that upon their return to Washington, McCain and Graham changed their position 180 degrees....

Reviving the National Council for Human Rights

27/8/2013 Among the grave errors of ousted President Mohamed Morsi is that he replaced the leaders of Egypt’s National Council for Human Rights, NCHR. The NCHR boasted among its members some of our most distinguished figures, including Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, a former UN secretary-general and one of the country’s most brilliant diplomats and academics. Ghali, who wrote extensively on international politics, is back to the NCHR as an honorary president. Former Information Minister Muhammad Fa’iq, now chairman of the NCHR, is a prominent specialist in African and was a close associate of President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Fa’iq played a pivotal...

When will the MB’s aggression stop so we can get back to work?

3/9/2013 Every Friday, the MB organizes riots, bloodshed, and most recently, assassination. All over the country, the nation wonders: When is this going to end? We can we put the chaos behind us and restore law and order? It is only when peace and normalcy are restored to our cities that we can hope for economic recovery to begin. Until then, the stock market will remain jittery and foreign investors will stay away. Since the massive protests of June 30, the MB has been in a vengeful mood, resentful of its ouster from power. The MB and its allies have...

A word of recognition for Mubarak on the October 1973 victory

15/10/2013 Hypocrisy and injustice are two of mankind’s worst traits. How common it is to see people, especially in this country, wax idyllic about the virtues of a ruler as long as he is in power. Then once he is out of office – voluntarily or otherwise – all his accomplishments are consigned to oblivion, better even erased from the books of history. The achievement of Hosni Mubarak as air force commander during the 6th of October 1973 preceded his elevation to, and eventual downfall from, power. It is therefore, an objective matter of public record. I have read every...

Overpopulation is collective suicide

22/10/2013 Those who are responsible for planning the future of our country, whether they are economic, medical, social or religious specialists, must understand that the first and foremost problem that threatens our every existence is overpopulation – for it is tantamount to collective suicide.

“Military rule”

29/10/2013 Speaking to the Egyptian community in Abu Dhabi, Prime Minister Dr. Hazem Al Beblawi said something with which I happen to disagree. He said, “Egypt has terminated military rule and it will never return.” Historically, the movement of 23 July 1952 was based on the ideals of the Free Officers. These ideals developed afterwards in various institutional forms featuring the Socialist Union and a civilian government under Gamal Abdel Nasser, then a form of constitutional legitimacy under al-Sadat. When President Mubarak stepped down, he delegated authority to the leadership of the Armed Forces headed by Field Marshal Tantawi to...

Enough with the chaos… quit defying the state’s mandate

5/11/2013 Like most Egyptians, I watched with horror the bloody riots at Al-Azhar University, during which protestors – willful in their desire to cause maximum disruption to life in campus – detained the university’s president. It was a scene of utter and determined chaos, during which mad and unrepentant extremists ran amok, climbing the walls of the university, throwing computers from its windows, tearing archival documents, and scattering official papers. Theirs were acts of mindless hatred, rendered even more hateful as they occurred in a place of learning. Unleashing their anger in a bout of total ignorance, the assailants clearly...

Army and police… an outstanding performance

12/11/2013 America and Europe, having promoted the myth of “Arab Spring”, appear to be intent on breaking up Arab countries. This can be seen in Libya and Tunisia, and even more so in Syria. The Arab countries do not seem to be able to fend off this threat, basically because their armies lack unity and purpose. Only in Egypt was the army disciplined and patriotic enough to protect the country from foreign schemes. The performance of the police and the National Security Service (NSS) – the investigation services that replaced the State Security Service – has been nothing short of...

Terrorism betting on the blood of Egyptians 

7/1/2014 The closer we get to the day of the referendum, which many expect to pass with a majority vote, the more the advocates of terrorism become frenzied, seeing this move as detrimental to their fortunes, as it emphasizes the legitimacy of the June 30 Revolution. The referendum is bound to erase the legitimacy of the former regime, which incenses it supporters, adding to their sense of loss and vengefulness. Now they take out their anger against innocent people and against the security forces. The supporters of terrorism have no respect for the blood of Egyptians. They blame the state...

Our Fourth Army: Women are behind the success of the referendum

21/1/2014 The outcome of the referendum was a victory for the people who discovered that taking responsibility by saying “Yes” saves the future of our country, our children and our economy. With a yes vote of 98.1 %, people who took the trouble to slip a tiny piece of paper into the ballot box have struck a lasting blow to terrorism, extremism and violence, thus reaffirming our right to stability and security. A closer look at the voting demographics through statistics and published photos shows that women represented the largest number of voters endorsing this constitution. The women of this...

An entrepreneurial role model

28/1/2014 When Eng. Magdy El Taher bought the Egyptian Plastic Factories, his first thought was for the workers. One of his first decisions was to raise the minimum wage to 1,200 EGP, and limit the working hours to 8, instead of 12, per shift. As of March 2013, El Taher raised salaries to 1,500 EGP. The move, winning him the loyalty and dedication of his workers, boosted production from 150 to 650 tons per month. He also managed to open new markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Competitors in Italy and Greece decided to move their production lines...

The campaign by western governments and media against the Egyptian regime

22/2/2014 The frenzied criticism of the Egyptian government seen in the foreign press makes me wonder: why is our foreign-language media not reacting to any of this. The State Information Service (SIS), now affiliated with the presidency instead of the Ministry of Information, is also supposed to speak up. If there is a professional reason for the SIS to be part of the presidency, it is one that I am unable to fathom. Information emanating from the Egyptian government can best be handled by people in the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Foreign affairs. It is because of...

Crimes do not protect the image of the Prophet

12/1/2015 It shocks me that terrorists pretend they are defending the image of prophet Mohamed by killing and terrorizing in the most brutal ways. To all those who share their ideology I have a very clear message: the Prophet is not in need of your actions and your crimes to protect his image.

No Fear when Combating Terrorism

10/3/2015 What solution is there for confronting the tactics of terrorism? We must be honest with ourselves and admit that we need both public consent and state support. We must enthusiastically back the upholding of strict laws. We cannot allow fear or hesitation to stand in the way. In the same way, we must honor public opinion, without compromising our right to protect ourselves against criminal acts and terrorism. No law is gospel. Laws can be changed when needed to make a strong stand against terrorism. Terrorism is a declared war. Extremely sophisticated and deadly weapons are now being used,...

The Difference between the First and Second Egypt – Yemen wars

24/4/2015 When Egypt entered Yemen in the sixties, it was in response to a public demand to displace Imam Ahmad’s regime, a backwards regime, so they claimed. Egypt’s situation then was very different from that of today. Today Egypt is part of a coalition force. In the previous war, during Abdel Nasser’s era, Saudi Arabia was an adversary, and feared going to war. Today Saudi Arabia is Egypt’s ally and the leader of a coalition confronting the Houthis. And the Houthis, shielded by Iran, present a danger worth opposing. Field Marshal Al Sisi strategically maneuvered the Egyptian armed forces to...

André Azoulay – Moroccan Jew, Lawyer and Advocate for the Palestinian Cause

25/5/2015 Every Arab reader should know the story of André Azoulay to protect himself from the dangers and injustices of stereotyping. It is common to hear assumptions made about “all Jews”, especially as concerns Palestine. The reality is there are Jews who objectively seek the truth and fully support the Palestinian cause. During my life, I was fortunate to meet some of them. Foremost among these was the late Bruno Kreisky, Chancellor of Austria, who was the first to open his country’s doors to the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, challenging many in doing so. Kreisky also raised awareness about the...

Destructive Government Bureaucracy

Al Bawaba, 6/6/2015 In my opinion, even if the president and prime minister work around the clock, day and night, it will never be sufficient. Their main obstacle will always be the bureaucracy that hinders advancement, and with all due respect, a “soft” government. The government has a very lax attitude when it comes to taking the required measures to eliminate the dangers that the bureaucracy poses to our future. What is worse is that this government bends to general public opinion rather than adhering to laws and regulations! I would love to see all Egyptians support initiatives that serve to...

The world is on your side: what remains is for you to cooperate

Al Bawaba, 2/10/2015 Now that we have seen how the world came round to our side after a period of indifference and maneuvers, it remains for us to address a very pressing issue, our social and economic situation. Let me tell you that our society lacks the spirit of cooperation and collaborative productive work. It also lacks discipline in many things, from the traffic to the garbage collection, another sad story. This feature has rendered Egypt’s image very different from what it was years ago. He who ventures out to walk in the streets and squares of Cairo nowadays, especially in...

Our UN Security Council Victory: Historical Continuity

Al Masry El Yom, 30/10/2015 On October 15, Egypt was elected as a two-year non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. This international accomplishment brings back memories of other Egyptian achievements in the field. Let us not forget that when human rights standards were defined by the United Nations on 10 December 1948 in Paris, the whole world realized that these rights were but an integral part of the ancient Egyptian civilization. At the dawn of our civilization, Egyptians summarized all aspects of human rights in just one word “Maat”. This word is considered one of the oldest linguistic expressions...

Condolences to the French People

The International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC), over which I preside, and our members, express great sadness concerning the unacceptable aggression against France and its people. We at ADIC, in the name of our organization’s principles, strongly condemn those crimes and convey deep condolences to the French people.

Coalition determined to strike ISIS

The coalition of the US, France, and the UK is determined to strike at ISIS forces on the Syrian borders, as well as at the oil resources ISIS is using for income. It seems that this time the coalition forces have the will to deal ferocious and painful blows to ISIS in order to protect the coalition nations and neighbors. This time, these great western counties, as well as Russia, are keen to put into practice the moto, “to be or not to be…!” Nevertheless, there is still a question looming about the invitation of Turkey to partake in this...

At last the West admitted we are right

For more than a year now, many western nations claimed that Mohamed Morsy was ousted by a military coup. This campaign was spearheaded by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. The Republican candidate for the US presidential elections, Donald Trump, was undoubtedly right, severely attacking Ms. Clinton in his speech last week in Ohio. He placed the responsibility on Ms. Clinton for protecting the Muslim Brotherhood during Morsy’s ruling, thus causing riots, unrest and chaos. How is it that the Americans and some western countries could ignore the thirty million Egyptians who took to the streets, demanding the...

How to Shop Like a Fashion Editor

How to Shop Like a Fashion Editor

Sed rutrum, libero non pretium tristique, arcu mi sollicitudin ex, quis venenatis orci tellus vel dolor. Donec gravida, dolor ut auctor facilisis, enim dolor.

I Want to Dress Like Carrie Bradshaw


Pellentesque fermentum massa vel enim feugiat gravida. Phasellus velit risus, euismod a lacus et, mattis condimentum augue. Vivamus fermentum.

The Most Comfortable Shoes On Earth


Nulla eu mattis ipsum. Integer eget sagittis nulla. Praesent consectetur lacus et maximus eleifend. Integer non lacus dui. Mauris tortor diam, laoreet quis.

Summer Soiree Inspiration

Summer Soiree Inspiration

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque fermentum massa vel enim feugiat gravida. Phasellus velit risus, euismod a lacus et.

The 10 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

The 10 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

Sed rutrum, libero non pretium tristique, arcu mi sollicitudin ex, quis venenatis orci tellus vel dolor. Donec gravida, dolor ut auctor facilisis, enim dolor.

20 Unexpected Photos of the Week

20 Unexpected Photos of the Week

Pellentesque fermentum massa vel enim feugiat gravida. Phasellus velit risus, euismod a lacus et, mattis condimentum augue. Vivamus fermentum.

Top 50 My Favorite Movies of All Time


Cras dapibus ullamcorper dictum. Vivamus nec erat placerat felis scelerisque porttitor in ac turpis. In nec imperdiet turpis. Suspendisse quis orci ut orci pulvinar eleifend.

8 Summer Jobs that\’ll Make Your Summer

8 Summer Jobs that\’ll Make Your Summer
8 Summer Jobs that\’ll Make Your Summer

Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur venenatis massa sed lacus tristique, non auctor nisl sodales. Sed ultricies lacus ut libero faucibus fringilla. In risus magna vel.

8 Summer Jobs that\’ll Make Your Summer

8 Summer Jobs that\’ll Make Your Summer
8 Summer Jobs that\’ll Make Your Summer

Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur venenatis massa sed lacus tristique, non auctor nisl sodales. Sed ultricies lacus ut libero faucibus fringilla. In risus magna vel.

Husky Rescue – New Light of Tomorrow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices ipsum non mattis pharetra. Integer laoreet non felis sit amet pharetra. Integer mollis eget felis non finibus. Nullam nibh mauris, fermentum vitae felis vehicula, aliquam bibendum sapien. In euismod velit vitae neque rhoncus congue. Aliquam luctus, sapien in consectetur cursus, quam urna euismod magna, sed pellentesque massa libero eu lorem. Aenean rhoncus gravida nisl vel pretium. Nam ac nisl non ipsum vestibulum vehicula vulputate sagittis magna. Aenean est nisl, convallis volutpat tempor ac, tempus ac ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce...

How to be More Creative

Sed nec blandit nibh. Pellentesque commodo suscipit gravida. Sed sit amet ex sed mi dignissim elementum in ut quam. Vivamus laoreet non mauris eget mattis. Nam turpis orci, consectetur vel accumsan sed, condimentum at sapien. Nunc ut egestas neque, eu hendrerit lacus. Suspendisse fermentum congue dui nec fringilla. Duis volutpat nunc lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse egestas venenatis nunc. Donec at laoreet lacus. Pellentesque tristique nisi justo. Mauris quis risus luctus, suscipit dui et, fermentum purus. Donec dui magna, sollicitudin nec malesuada in, porttitor eu augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque non est...

Tactics For Avoiding The Comparison Trap

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sagittis semper tortor. Quisque non felis elementum augue ullamcorper laoreet. Nam porta leo ut felis suscipit, vel semper lectus vehicula. Nulla vitae porta leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce bibendum arcu in lacinia condimentum. Aenean id nunc quis ex congue facilisis. Proin non tempus arcu. Donec dictum elementum ex et aliquet. Praesent at pulvinar augue, ut ultricies mauris. Nulla congue nulla in semper cursus. Sed auctor condimentum sem a tincidunt. Duis rhoncus maximus varius. Nullam imperdiet imperdiet massa vel lacinia. Nam auctor...