Meeting with Aly El Samman, former advisor to President Anwar Sadat

Alliance israélite universelle, Paris

December 4, 2014

From journalist to presidential media adviser, corporate consultant to pioneer in interfaith dialogue, Aly El Samman defies characterization. Currently, he is President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC).

Among the many posts he occupied in the past, he was foreign media adviser to President Anwar Sadat, in particular during the Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations; director of the prime minister’s cabinet for infrastructure projects for Western Europe; and vice-president of the Permanent Committee of Al-Azhar for Dialogue with the Monotheistic Religions.

As a specialist in interfaith dialogue, El Samman is a regular speaker at conferences worldwide. His autobiography, Egypt: From one Revolution to Another, Memoir of a Committed Citizen under Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak, was released in France by Editions du Rocher in 2011. He also edited in 2014 a book about interfaith relations called Three Windows on Heaven – Acceptance of Others, Dialogue and Peace in the Sacred Texts of the Three Abrahamic Religions, by Editions Desclée de Brouwer.

During the meeting, he will speak about his exceptional career and issues dear to him.

RSVP: / 01 55 74 79 10

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