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After the Death of Dr. Adel Amer

19/4/1990, Sabah El Kheir Dr. Adel Amer, the illustrious Egyptian, disappeared amid general indifference and without any notice in the media. But if Dr. Adel Amer had been a barely known football player, or an obscure artist, the news of his death would have been widely publicized in all the newspapers. Four medals awarded to Dr. Adel Amer As soon as I was informed of the death in Paris of this international pioneer of information, I took the first plane to be at the side of a man I knew and I loved since we started a quarter century journey...

After Assad, what then? 

8-9-2012 The Syrian revolution and Al Assad’s potential fall is part of the same scenario that was repeated in many Arab countries, which the West romanticizes and idealizes by calling the “Arab Spring”. Months passed and regimes fell, but in most Arab countries, Libya in particular, the results have been regional and sectarian divisions, conflicts, and economic crises. The “Arab Spring” began with a fact. The presidents of the Arab countries concerned – Gaddafi, Ben Ali, Saleh of Yemen, al-Assad, Mubarak – were dictators who had serious flaws that brought about their downfalls. The corruption and election rigging that took...

Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman 

by Abd Elhady Abbas for Al Akhbar11/10/2013 “I support the presidential candidacy of Gen. Sisi because it is a popular demand. To those who reject the army I say, please read our history carefully!” Dr. Ali El-Samman Q. To what extent is security and stability necessary for economic growth in this coming period? A. This is a serious question because the economy at this critical stage is quite dependent on security. Therefore, I cannot emphasize enough that security and economic recovery are inseparable. When you take the tourism industry into account, there is no denying that security is crucial. Tourism, upon...

What will the referendum’s victory mean?

14/1/2014 The resounding “yes” with which Egypt will endorse the new constitution is going to reverberate across those Arab countries which stood by our side and supported our June 30 Revolution. In defiance of external pressures countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman have offered us economic, political and media support. These countries acted with courage and solidarity, proving that they are strategic partners worthy of our trust. Our resolute “yes” is going also to be heard in Qatar and Turkey, but in tones of disappointment. Members of the Turkish opposition will point to the foreign...

Large and medium-sized countries… and their policies

8/3/2014 Fifty years ago, France and Germany took a big step. In 1963, French President Charles de Gaulle and Germany’s first post-WWII Chancellor Konrad Adenauer signed a historic agreement. Known alternatively as the Élysée Treaty or the Treaty of Friendship, this agreement set the pace for a crucial partnership that remains solid to this day. Since then the two countries fostered the ideals of European economic integration and political unity. Without French-German cooperation, today’s EU wouldn’t be possible. It is remarkable that the person who pushed the hardest for reconciliation with Germany was General de Gaulle – commander of the...

Abou Hassira: Respecting the judicial while listening to the voice of reason 

22/1/2015, Al Bawaba When I read of the ruling handed down by the state council in the Abu Hasira case I restrained myself from giving an assessment. The reason is that what I studied in Egyptian and French law schools was to respect judicial rulings regardless of their outcome, in other words not to express opposition. This however does not stop one from thinking about it and listening to the voice of reason. In that context, I remember a conversation I had in Morocco while there  with President Sadat; I had met David Ammar, president of the Jewish community in...

In words and numbers, a victory for al-Sisi, and tears of joy for Mahlab

28/3/2015, Al Masry Al Yom For all the swashbuckling and scheming of terrorists, it was only natural for our citizens to be vigilant as they watched this historic economic conference unfold in Sharm el Sheikh. From the bottom of their hearts, Egyptians wish for the will of this country to prevail, with our army and police forces providing every security precaution for this great achievement to go unimpeded. The attendance from the whole world was astounding; our Arab brethren came, driven by their chivalry and wisdom to support and stand by Egypt with great gallantry. In the lead were Saudi...

We need a Parliament that respects the rules of the game 

3/3/2016, Al Bawaba There was a disgraceful clash between the two Egyptian Parliament members, Kamal Ahmed, and Tawfik Okasha. We saw the former threatening the latter and shaking his shoe at him, an image that is extremely inappropriate and one that conveys a very damaging image of our Parliament. This, we must recall, is the Parliament we had long waited for, both internally and externally, in order to complete the democratic process. We need to look deeply into the real reason for this clash. This incident came as a reaction to the dinner invitation extended by Tawfik Okasha to the Israeli...

The Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution between fantasy and reality

2/6/2016, Al Bawaba From time to time, the idea of an Israeli-Palestinian rapprochement leading to a two-state solution is revived. Right now, the world is regaining interest in the idea, for a very simple reason. This reason is that Egypt has agreed to support this option, thus giving it credibility. Some people even go further, assuming that there could be a possible meeting between President el-Sisi and the Israeli Prime Minister, which was denied by officials. So how can one separate fantasy from reality, according to what is being said regarding that subject? A while ago, a French initiative came about...

Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman 

by Abd Elhady Abbas for Al Akhbar11/10/2013 “I support the presidential candidacy of Gen. Sisi because it is a popular demand. To those who reject the army I say, please read our history carefully!” Dr. Ali El-Samman Q. To what extent is security and stability necessary for economic growth in this coming period? A. This is a serious question because the economy at this critical stage is quite dependent on security. Therefore, I cannot emphasize enough that security and economic recovery are inseparable. When you take the tourism industry into account, there is no denying that security is crucial. Tourism, upon...

Interview with Dr Ali El-Samman 

by Rania Badawi for Al Masry Al Youm26/1/2014 Aly El-Samman: Qatar funds the bombings in Egypt with U.S. support Dr. Ali El=Samman, President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC), said that Qatar is the main financier and supporter of terrorism in Egypt, adding that the recent wave of bombings is but a sign of Al-Qaeda’s defeat in Sinai at the hands of the Egyptian armed forces. During his year in office, President Mohamed Morsi turned the country into a haven for terrorists, according to El-Samman. El-Samman: It has become clear that there is...

Aly El Samman: The Pleasure of Dialogue 

Profile by Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner for La Croix30/4/2014  At 85 years old, this pioneer of inter-religious dialogue in Egypt, architect of the permanent committee for dialogue between Al-Azhar and the Vatican, maintains his convictions intact. In the oriental living room of his Parisian apartment, located in the 16th arrondissement at the heart of the aptly named Villa Said, Aly El Samman puffs on his pipe. This former journalist and communicator, who served his country “under Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak”1 recalls his past, peppering his stories with names of the many great religious and political figures with whom he continues to associate. From...