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Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman

by Amal Saleh for Al Yom 7 16/11/2013 “The Brotherhood is a gamble the U.S. lost. The fact that Washington drew back from using the term ‘coup’ affirms its commitment to maintain its relationship with Cairo. The strengthening of relations with Russia is an ‘urgent need’ and not against America.” Dr. Aly El-Samman Dr. Aly El-Samman, head of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education, affirmed that the United States is poised to refrain completely from supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. Washington is no longer willing to bet on a losing horse, for the Egyptians have sent the White...

No lenience when it comes to implementing the protest law

3/12/2013 When some people start chanting anti-army and anti-police slogans on the streets, when they blatantly defy the protest law and arrange for demonstrations without prior permission, and when they assault policemen in the line of duty, such actions push the country closer to the brink. This nation has had enough of chaos and violence, and now needs to focus on production, employment and education. England, the prototype democracy for the modern world, has only a limited tolerance for protests. On 15 August 2011, Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about the riots that erupted in the country, saying: “these riots...

Will the millions of June 30 take a stand on chaos?

24/12/2013 Hardly a day passes without rioters running wild in the streets and squares of Egypt, assaulting the security of universities, threatening police and state institutions, and shedding the blood of ordinary people, as in the incident involving a taxi driver in Mansoura who was slaughtered by extremists. The authorities have arrested four people in connection with the Mansoura murder. Now the family of the taxi driver, and the rest of the nation, want to see swift justice. The full force of the law should be brought upon those who commit such atrocities. A national security officer, Capt. Ahmed Wahid,...

Defending our Christians in Libya

11/3/2014 In yet another unspeakable atrocity, Libyan extremists killed seven Egyptian Christians after kidnapping them from their homes in a Libyan village on February 23. This horrific crime impels me to reiterate that we need to do more to protect the church and the Christians in Egypt. We need to make absolutely sure that no further assaults are carried out against them by extremist groups. Nearly one hundred churches have come under attack in Egypt. Many Christians have been assaulted or had their property vandalized. The Egyptian Church and the Christians have prudently refrained from retaliation. Instead, their silence was...

Security and Egyptian-American military cooperation

7/8/2015, Al Bawaba Speaking during an Egyptian-American Dialogue session Sunday morning, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that military cooperation between Egypt and the US is a mainstay of cooperation and essential for the security for both countries. The Egyptian foreign minister explained that Egypt is examining US regional power, which is also what the US is doing towards Egypt. He stated that reinforcing economic relations would be possible through a new approach based on mutual interests, not on the imposition of conditions. Minister Shoukry added that the American-Egyptian Dialogue will address the Palestinian issue, terrorism, ISIS, and Iran’s nuclear...

The Brotherhood must renounce violence and apologize publically before reconciliation

nterview with Dr. Aly El SammanBy Heba Amin for Al Watan19/8/2015 At 86 years of age, Dr. Aly El Samman has witnessed the royal era, three revolutions, seven presidents and the Brotherhood in its infancy. He joined them at the time of its founder Hassan Al Banna, but when he learned that Judge Al Khazendar had been assassinated by the Brotherhood, he immediately resigned. In his interview with Al Watan, Dr. Aly El Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue (ADIC), said that he was very close to Hassan al-Hudaybi the Brotherhood murshid (general guide) during...

The bickering among the political parties is unhealthy and unfortunate!

Interview with Dr Aly El SammanBy Mona El Haddad for Al Akhbar31/8/2015 The following was taken from an interview with Dr. Ali El Samman, President of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue (ADIC) Q. Why hasn’t the spirit of can-do spread to other social endeavors, after opening the New Suez Canal? A. Definitely the New Suez Canal and what was achieved has, with no doubt, made every Egyptian quite happy. Still I believe that there are some powers that are not pleased at all. Frankly speaking, when I saw Omanaa Al Shorta (noncommissioned police officers or NCOs) demonstrating...

A compromise between workers and investors

29/3/2014, Al Ahram A system that balances the demands of the workers with the interests of businessmen can be of undeniable benefit to this country. We have no lack of good businessmen in this country, some are known personally to me. Take for example Mohamed Farid Khamis, Dr. Hassan Rateb, Dr. Ahmed Bahgat (despite the unfair criticism he has endured), and Magdy El Taher. The businessmen who live among us are holding up the torch that the father of Egyptian industry, Talaat Harb, lit a century or so ago. So it is my wish that the prime minister takes note...

In words and numbers, a victory for al-Sisi, and tears of joy for Mahlab

28/3/2015, Al Masry Al Yom For all the swashbuckling and scheming of terrorists, it was only natural for our citizens to be vigilant as they watched this historic economic conference unfold in Sharm el Sheikh. From the bottom of their hearts, Egyptians wish for the will of this country to prevail, with our army and police forces providing every security precaution for this great achievement to go unimpeded. The attendance from the whole world was astounding; our Arab brethren came, driven by their chivalry and wisdom to support and stand by Egypt with great gallantry. In the lead were Saudi...

Darwish and the economics of the Suez Canal

7/7/2017, Al Bawaba Dr. Ahmed Darwish, Chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone Authority, has embarked on a major media effort. holding a press conference last Tuesday to speak about the expanding economic prospects of the area around the Suez Canal. It is essential for the Egyptian general public to know that major countries and companies around the world are now looking into investing in infrastructure development in this area. German, British, French, Japanese, Singaporean and Kuwaiti companies are all looking for business opportunities in this zone, which covers 461 square kilometers along the banks of the Suez Canal. Until the...

A tribute to the writers of the constitution: “You led the way with remarkable honesty”

11/12/2013 When performing a public task of national dimensions, there is no way to satisfy all parties or handle it perfectly. Nevertheless, Mr. Amr Moussa, chairman of Egypt’s 50-member panel tasked with amending the Islamist-drafted constitution, stayed impartial throughout his moderation of the sessions, and was able to walk the thin line between diplomacy and political responsibility. Dr. Mohammed Salmawy, spokesman for the panel, also acted with great sensitivity and chose his words with care when he spoke to the media. The clerics who took part in the discussions also brought wisdom and a spirit of tolerance to proceedings. I...

What will the referendum’s victory mean?

14/1/2014 The resounding “yes” with which Egypt will endorse the new constitution is going to reverberate across those Arab countries which stood by our side and supported our June 30 Revolution. In defiance of external pressures countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman have offered us economic, political and media support. These countries acted with courage and solidarity, proving that they are strategic partners worthy of our trust. Our resolute “yes” is going also to be heard in Qatar and Turkey, but in tones of disappointment. Members of the Turkish opposition will point to the foreign...