Category: Egypt-US Relations

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Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman 

by Abd Elhady Abbas for Al Akhbar11/10/2013 “I support the presidential candidacy of Gen. Sisi because it is a popular demand. To those who reject the army I say, please read our history carefully!” Dr. Ali El-Samman Q. To what extent is security and stability necessary for economic growth in this coming period? A. This is...


Security and Egyptian-American military cooperation

7/8/2015, Al Bawaba Speaking during an Egyptian-American Dialogue session Sunday morning, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that military cooperation between Egypt and the US is a mainstay of cooperation and essential for the security for both countries. The Egyptian foreign minister explained that Egypt is examining US regional power, which is also what the...


Interview with Dr. Aly El-Samman

by Amal Saleh for Al Yom 7 16/11/2013 “The Brotherhood is a gamble the U.S. lost. The fact that Washington drew back from using the term ‘coup’ affirms its commitment to maintain its relationship with Cairo. The strengthening of relations with Russia is an ‘urgent need’ and not against America.” Dr. Aly El-Samman Dr. Aly El-Samman, head...