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June 6, 2010 – Association for Economic Information “Europe-Egypt” presents study on Innovation in CIT to Minister of Communications and Information Technology

Cairo (6/6/2010) Dr. Ali El-Samman, secretary general of the Association for Economic Information “Europe-Egypt”, presented the study, “Egypt: A Rising Star in Global ICT Innovation and Entrepreneurship to the minister of communications and information technology, Dr. Tarek Kamel. Also present were Dr. Tarek El-Saadany, director of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s (MCIT) new Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center; Nermine El-Saadany, director of international relations, MCIT; and Victoria Harper, the American expert who produced the study for the Association “Europe-Egypt”. Innovation and entrepreneurship in ICT is an important new area for MCIT. Since Egypt is firmly established as one of...

June 28, 2010 – ADIC signs Agreement with Alliance of Civilizations’ Media Arm to Support Culture of Peace in Córdoba

Córdoba (28/6/2010) In response to Alliance of Civilizations’ call for greater intercultural dialogue, and to support the culture of peace, an agreement was signed by Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of the Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC); Mr. Enrique Gaspar, president of Nexos Alianza, the media arm of the Foundation for Alliance of Civilizations (part of the United Nations); and Mr. Manuel Palacios Sanchet, president of Parque International de la Paz Euromediterraneo. Presented by the deputy speaker of the Parliament of Córdoba, Mr. Fernando Expósito, the agreement provides for the three signatories to promote the spirit...

July 25, 2010 – ADIC Activates Agreement with Alliance of Civilizations’ Media Arm to Support Culture of Peace in Córdoba

Madrid (28/6/2010) The activation of an Agreement of Cooperation that was finalized in Córdoba last month, was signed in Madrid by Mr. Manuel Palacios Sanchet, president of Parque International de la Paz Euromediterraneo; Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of ADIC; and Mr. Enrique Gaspar, president of Nexos Alianza. This activation of the previous agreement elaborates the details of the programs mentioned in the original agreement in Cordoba, on June 28, 2010. These programs are summarized in the following 5 points:1. Organizing an encounter of young people – representatives of the future – of different religions and races in Córdoba and in...

October 6, 2010 – Coptic Pope and Grand Imam of Al Azhar Issue Joint Statement against Sectarian Strife in Egypt 

Cairo (6/19/2010) In response to recent Muslim-Christian tensions in Egypt, the Orthodox Coptic general bishop and secretary of Pope Shenouda III, Anba Ermia; and the president of ADIC, Dr. Aly El-Samman, coordinated with Orthodox Coptic Pope Shenouda III and Grand Imam Al-Azhar Ahmed Al Tayeb, to articulate the thoughts of these men, both of whom are strong and active believers in the values shared by their two religions. Their resulting joint statement is a call for all parties to counteract religious intolerance with peaceful coexistence and unconditionally shared citizenship. Sectarian tension has occasionally led to violent confrontations between Egypt’s Muslim...

January 12, 2011 – ADIC Egypt – First Board of Directors Meeting

Cairo (12-1-2011) On October 16, 2010, ADIC finalized the registration of its official office in Cairo under the Egyptian NGO law. A number of prominent members of Egyptian society, Muslim and Copt, have since joined ADIC Egypt in order to participate in local intercultural and interfaith activities. The first meeting of the board of directors was held in Cairo on January 12, 2011, during which the folowing proposals for improving relations between the two communities were approved. A proposal by Naguib Sawiris, chairman of ORASCOM: 1. To publish a study describing the elements common among the three monotheistic religions to...

June 28, 2011 – Al-Azhar statement about the “Civil State” at UNESCO

Paris (28/6/2011) Al Ahram – In his speech during the round table that was organized by the UNESCO in Paris last week, Dr. Aly El-Samman unveiled the content of the historic document issued by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif concerning the “Civil State”. During the meeting they discussed the Arab revolutions, also known as the “Arab Spring” in the presence of UNESCO Director, Mrs Irina Bokova; former president of Senegal, General Koïchiro Matsuura; president of the Federation of La Francophonie, Abdou Diouf; and Dr. Boutros-Ghali, president of the National Council for Human Rights. In his speech, Dr. El-Samman highlighted the role of Al-Azhar...

February 3, 2012 – ADIC France Calls for Peace and Fraternity in Egypt

Paris (3-2-2011) Following the February 2, 2012 board of directors meeting of ADIC France (International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education), presided by its president, Dr. Aly Elsamman, Egyptian lawyer; and co-president, Stelio Farandjis, professor at Sorbonne-Paris University, the following statement was released: ADIC congratulations Egypt on its progress towards democracy. True to our founding principles, we hope that Egypt, as a great country which has always played a central role in the Middle-East, will continue to be a key force of development, stability and peace. ADIC is particularly keen to acknowledge Pope Shenouda III. We wish...

September 3, 2012 – Dr. Aly El Samman receives French Legion of Honor

(Paris 3-9-2012) At the exclusive Cercle de l’Union Interalliée in Paris, Jean Felix-Paganon, personal representative of the French foreign minister, on behalf of President Francois Hollande, presented Dr. Aly El Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC) with the insignia of Officer of the French National Order of the Legion of Honor, in recognition of  his invaluable and tireless efforts for Egyptian-French relations and  the promotion of intercultural and religious dialogue and peace education. Many renowned figures attended the ceremony such as former French Minister of Defense Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Mrs. Boutros Boutros...

September 25, 2012 – Launch of Dr. El-Samman’s book “Egypt from One Revolution to Another”

(London – 25/9/2012) The English publishing house Gilgamesh organized a cocktail party at Daunt Books in London for the publication of the autobiography, “Egypt From one Revolution to Another” by Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC). In a convivial atmosphere, Max Scott from Gilgamesh, Michael Binyon, the esteemed journalist from the English daily The Times who wrote the foreword of the book, and Dr Aly El-Samman, each addressed the audience. Among those attending the launch were English and Egyptian personalities, well-known journalists, and friends.

November 13, 2012 – Roundtable Discussion: Bridging Secularism and Religious Beliefs in Contemporary Societies

On 13 November 2012, the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC) organized a roundtable discussion with the Swedish Institute Alexandria. The event, which took place at the Swedish Institute, explored prospects of coexistence among people from different religious and secular backgrounds, as well as how the media can facilitate or complicate interfaith and intercultural relations. A lively discussion among foreign, regional and local experts and 30 students from Cairo, Tanta and Alexandria was held in an atmosphere of respect for difference of opinion. The specialists from France, England, Jordan and Sweden shared their experiences of...

October 3, 2013 – World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”. Rhodes 2013

The World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” held a plenary session entitled “Sunni-Shia Dialogue” as part of the Rhodes Forum 2013 on the island of Rhodes, Greece. During the meeting, Dr. Aly El-Samman delivered a speech in which he shed light on points of agreement and points of contention between Sunnis and Shiites. He emphasized that the points of agreement are more numerous, as there is full accord on the issues of faith in God, the Qur’an, and Prophet Mohammed, adding that the rest of the points of disagreement are minor issues. Dr. El-Samman also stressed the importance of the...

November 25, 2013 – Lambeth Palace Book launch for “Three Windows on Heaven”

The English publisher, Gilgamesh, held a reception at the Church of England’s Lambeth Palace in London on November 25, to launch the book Three Windows on Heaven – Acceptance of Others, Dialogue and Peace in the Sacred Texts of the Three Abrahamic Religions. The book, written by prominent international Jewish, Christian and Muslim specialists, was edited by Dr. Aly El-Samman, president of the International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC). Speaking to an audience of distinguished guests, religious figures, journalists, and ambassadors were Rev. Dr. Toby Howarth, secretary of Interreligious Affairs to the archbishop of Canterbury; Max...