February 3, 2012 – ADIC France Calls for Peace and Fraternity in Egypt

(from left to right) Mr. Theo Klein, international lawyer; Mr. Stelio Farandjis, vice-president ADIC, senior lecturer at Sorbonne-Paris University; Dr. Aly El-Samman, president ADIC, Egyptian lawyer; Mrs. Renée Duret, general secretary ADIC; Mr. René-Samuel Sirat; former chief rabbi of France, vice chairperson of the Conference of European Rabbis, holder of the UNESCO Chair in Mutual Knowledge of the Religions of the Book and Teaching of Peace

Paris (3-2-2011) Following the February 2, 2012 board of directors meeting of ADIC France (International Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education), presided by its president, Dr. Aly Elsamman, Egyptian lawyer; and co-president, Stelio Farandjis, professor at Sorbonne-Paris University, the following statement was released:

ADIC congratulations Egypt on its progress towards democracy. True to our founding principles, we hope that Egypt, as a great country which has always played a central role in the Middle-East, will continue to be a key force of development, stability and peace.

ADIC is particularly keen to acknowledge Pope Shenouda III. We wish him a quick recovery and hope for the continuation of the work that he has undertaken with Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed El Tayeb in support of peace and brotherhood between Copts and Muslims in Egypt.

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