Egypt urgently needs stability and financial aid 


As a member of the civil society think tank Club de Monaco, I was honored to participate in this year’s meeting held in Qatar by Crown Prince Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani. Here is an excerpt from the speech I delivered during the closing session.

Stability and security

Stability is key to security, yet some powers in the country are pushing for the firing of police, without proven cause under the pretext of “reforming the police”. This creates instability by preventing the police from doing its job. Dismissing police without fair investigations is a serious issue and leaves citizens at the mercy of outlaws.

Stability and development

Development is directly linked to stability because an unreliable security situation damages our ability to attract the investment that Egypt needs more than ever. The country is now facing an acute financial crisis and the aid promised by the European and Arab countries to support the Egyptian economy does not appear to be forthcoming.

translated from Al-Akhbar

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