Egypt’s national security is sacred

When one hears the allegations of murder and of wanton bloodshed issuing from the lips of the leaders of the MB and their allies, one has to step back and pause. The men who staged the sit-ins in Rabaa al-Adawiya and al-Nahda, and their friends who reside in various hotbeds of terrorism are living proof that Egypt’s national security is under attack.

Suffice it to consider the following points:

1. When citizens feel threatened and insecure in their daily life, when one feels like a stranger in his own country, when the country appears to be under occupation by the same men who consort with terrorists and who engage in unprecedented crimes against the nation, one must conclude that this country is in danger, and has been in danger since the Islamists came to power.

2. There is evidence that the MB exercised unusual influence over the members of the crowds who congregated in Rabaa al-Adawiya and al-Nahda, in some cases keeping them against their will and preventing them from leaving. In other cases, the ID’s of the so-called protestors were collected by their MB bosses, to ensure that they could not leave.

3. The heartlessness of the situation became apparent when the MB bosses dressed children in shrouds and paraded them around as “martyrs in training” in the sit-in areas.

4. The MB’s policies undermined tourism in Egypt, bringing to a halt a business that brought millions to the country, as well as enriched the lives of its visitors. It was heart-wrenching to hear Tourism Minister Hesham Zazoa report on the damage that happened to the tourism industry under the MB rule. The calamity that befell tourism is one of the reasons this country is going through its worst economic crisis in living memory, a crisis that constitutes a direct threat to our financial security.

5. During the current turmoil, a fierce campaign started at home and abroad to demand the release of MB leaders, including the ousted president – although there is every indication that some of them are implicated in serious crimes, espionage included. MB leaders, the Egyptian investigation authorities have cause to believe, allowed numerous jihadists, some linked to al-Qaeda, into the country, a matter which posed immediate threat to Sinai and to our police and army deployed there. I was particularly dismayed to see the leaders of Germany and France, countries which are known for their respect of the law, question the integrity of our justice system in this regard.

6. During the recent clashes, in which our police force was under instructions to exercise self-restraint, dozens of servicemen were killed in the line of duty. Not many people remember these men, who gave their lives to prevent the country from descending into a worse cycle of turmoil. Thirty million people, led by “Tamarod”, took to the streets to give a “mandate” to General Abd el-Fattah el-Sisi and the army to end the MB’s failed tenure in government.

Many Egyptians feel that the army should do whatever it takes to uproot terrorism. A lot of the honorable people who marched to demand an end to the MB’s misrule felt that the cabinet was too slow making a decision to disperse the sit-ins of Rabaa al-Adawiya and al-Nahda. Their patience was running out, and yet the cabinet wavered, as I pointed out in my previous article. I’d like to assure our people that our cabinet, and our Ministry of Interior, will not tarry any longer in carrying out this honorable duty.

translated from Al Youm 7

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